Monday Night RAW – 8/2/10


This week on WWE RAW, would The Nexus continue to dominate the WWE?  Would the WWE team finally get their acts together and get on the same page?  Find out all the details here:

Video Package: Last week, The Nexus remains strong while the WWE team cracks because their egos are getting in the way.  Can they pull it together before SummerSlam.

Edge to the ring.  He says that he needs to start following his gut and listening to himself.  He doesn’t respect John Cena, nor does he trust Chris Jericho… Edge says that he needs to do things his way and then challenges Wade Barrett to a one on one match.

  • Interrupted by R-Truth.  He tells Edge that if he thinks beating Barrett will squash everything, he’s wrong.  He says, “We’re fighting for everything!  We’re fighting for our lifestyle… We’ve got to fight together, or Nexus wins!”
  • Edge sees things differently where if he beats Barrett, that Nexus will crumble.
  • Email from the anonymous GM, read by Michael Cole.  GM obliges Edge’s request and Edge will face Barrett next.

Edge vs. Wade Barrett
WINNER: No Contest

  • Mid match, the Nexus comes out and Edge jumps the barrier and runs.

Backstage: Edge is looking for John Cena.  When he finds him, he’s pissed off that no one came down to help him.

  • Cena says that he listened to Edge and stayed in the back like he was told.  Edge takes exception to this and quits.
  • Chris Jericho appears behind Cena and tells him that he needs to quit.  Challenges Cena to a match and the loser quits the SummerSlam team.  Cena reluctantly agrees to the match.

Video Package: SummerSlam Recall – SummerSlam 1991 – Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect (Intercontinental Champion) – WINNER: Hart via submission to become the new IC Champion.

Backstage: John Morrison talking with The Great Khali and Ranjin Singh.  JoMo says, “If the seven doesn’t work, then they don’t stand a chance…”

  • After JoMo leaves, Khali is approached by Michael Tarver & David Otunga.  They claim that they didn’t attack him because they respect him… They claim that Cena’s looking to replace him on the team if he loses to Ted DiBiase later tonight.  They offer him a place where he’ll be respected.

6 Diva Tag Team Match
Jillian, Tamina & Alicia Fox vs. Gail Kim, Natalya & Eve Torres
WINNERS: Jillian/Tamina/Alicia via pin fall after Alicia hit Natalya with a Scissors Kick

  • Post match, Alicia takes mic and gloats about how she’s defeated everyone in the Diva division and that no one is comparable to her.
  • Out walks Melina who’s returning from injury.  Alicia tries to run, and Jillian throws her back in the ring.  She tries to clothesline Melina who counters and beats her down.

Non-Title Match
Sheamus vs. Goldust
WINNER: Sheamus via pin fall after hitting the High Cross (Razor’s Edge)

  • Post match, Sheamus takes mic… “Whether you like it or not, I’m a two time WWE Champion standing on top of the world… No briefcases… Not a 3rd generation superstar… just my hard work… I ended Triple H‘s career and at SummerSlam I’m going to do the same to Orton…”

Loser Leaves Team WWE Match
John Cena vs. Chris Jericho
WINNER: Cena via submission due to the STF

  • Post match, Cena asks Jericho to not leave the team and calls him best in the world at what he does… He gives Jericho the choice to co-exist with him or he can walk away and let everyone down… Jericho walks out.

Backstage: Jericho walks into locker room and he and Edge talk about the whole situation.  They both respect each other for leaving Cena’s group and decide to join forces.

  • Back in the arena, GM sends an email… Next week Edge/Jericho will tag team against John Cena and Bret Hart with the Nexus surrounding the ring in a lumberjack match.

Backstage: Josh Matthews is with Randy Orton.  Josh asks about Sheamus’ comments from earlier.  Orton gives Sheaums an invite to watch his match from ringside so that he can see first hand what he’s capable of doing.

Video Package: Trailer for John Cena’s new movie, Legendary.

The Great Khali with Ranjin Singh vs. Ted DiBiase with Maryse
WINNER: Khali via submission after locking on the Vice Grip

  • Mid match, Wade Barrett & Skip Sheffield of Nexus come down to ring.  They distract DiBiase enough, and Khali gains advantage for victory.

Video Package: Backstage type interview of Will Ferrell & Mark Wahlberg talking about their new movie The Other Guys.  The Bella Twins walk in and hit on Ferrell, but he basically turns them down.  Wahlberg tries hitting on them, but they turn him down.

The Miz to the ring and takes the mic.  He’s still pissed at Randy Orton who cost him his chance at cashing in MITB case for a title shot.  He says that Orton’s best case scenario for SummerSlam is beating Sheamus and then getting beat by him after the match after he cashes in his case.

Non-Title Match
The Miz vs. Randy Orton
WINNER: Orton via pin after an RKO

  • Mid match, Sheamus looks on from the ramp.
  • Post match, Sheamus runs down to the ring looking to attack Orton, but Randy is ready for it, and Sheamus puts on the breaks and doesn’t enter the ring.


The SummerSlam team starts to tear at the seams.  Now they’re down to five members, and possibly the Great Khali might leave to join Nexus since they “respect him enough not to attack him.”  We’ll see how things go down in the next few weeks before SummerSlam.

I’m excited to see Melina back!  She brings some sort of legitimacy back to the diva’s division on RAW.  I’m hoping that they put the belt back on her at SummerSlam!

If you asked me over a year ago a question about The Miz being in a main event, I would’ve laughed at you!  Now the Miz is rising quicker than anyone ever thought possible.  I know he lost to Orton tonight, but his star is still shining brightly.  I hope that they continue to push The Miz, and eventually he’ll be wearing the WWE or World Title.