WWE SummerSlam – Results/Review


Well SummerSlam is in the books, and everything going on in the WWE Universe is about to change.  The key question happens to be is this change for the better or for the worse?  Which team would prevail and take the reigns of the sports entertainment industry?  Find out right here:

Intercontinental Championship Match
Dolph Ziggler (Champion) with Vickie Guerrero vs. Kofi Kingston
WINNER: No Contest as The Nexus jumped in the ring and caused chaos eventually singling out Kofi

  • Post match, Wade Barrett says that this beating was a preview of what’s going to happen later.

Diva’s Title Match
Alicia Fox (Champion) vs. Melina
WINNER: Melina via pin fall after hitting a Snapmare Face Buster to become the NEW Diva’s Champion

  • Post match, LayCool ruins her post match celebration.  Melina shoves them off as they try to take pics “to post to Twitter,” and LayCool takes exception attacking Melina.

Handicap Match
Big Show vs. Straightedge Society (CM Punk, Luke Gallows & Joey Mercury with Serena)
WINNER: Big Show via pin fall after chokeslamming Mercury onto Gallows

  • Mid match, Punk & Serena bailed on the match.

The Miz comes out to the ring just as we’re told that the WWE Championship Match is happening next.  We believe that he’s going to sit ringside, but instead he cuts a promo saying that he’s thought long and hard about being a part of Team WWE later, and his answer is YES.  Miz walks to the back.

WWE Championship Match
Sheamus (Championship) vs. Randy Orton
WINNER: Orton via DQ as Sheamus got into a fight with the referee over a chair and flung the referee out of the ring

  • Post match, Sheamus tries to take out Orton with kick, but misses.  Orton kicks Sheamus in nuts, and then sets him up on the announce table.  He waits for the right moment to strike with an RKO, but table doesn’t break.
  • Crowd actually has some chants of “We want Miz” when it comes to cashing in, but Miz never comes.

World Title Match
Kane (Champion) vs. Rey Mysterio
WINNER: Kane via pin fall after hitting a choke slam

  • Post match, Kane tries to put Rey into a casket, but fights back momentarily.  Kane hits two more choke slams and a tombstone piledriver then reopens the casket to find his brother, The Undertaker, inside.  Taker sits up and gets into the ring.
  • The Undertaker looks at both men and then goes eye to eye with Rey Mysterio who’s cowering in the corner.  Taker asks Rey why, and Rey swears it wasn’t him.  Taker says quietly to Rey, “I believe you.”  He makes his throat slash motion with his back to Kane, and then turns to throttle his brother.  Kane quickly overpowers Taker and then hits him with a tombstone piledriver as well.

Elimination Match
The Nexus vs. Team WWE

  • As Team WWE is announced, John Cena cuts The Miz’s music saying that he’s off the team because he didn’t give him an answer soon enough.  He found a suitable replacement… Daniel Bryan.

Order of Elimination:

  1. Darren Young (via submission c/o Daniel Bryan)
  2. Michael Tarver (via pin fall c/o John Morrison)
  3. John Morrison (via pin fall c/o Skip Sheffield)
  4. R-Truth (via pin fall c/o Skip Sheffield)
  5. Bret Hart (via DQ for using a chair thrown in the ring by Nexus)
  6. Skip Sheffield (via pin fall c/o Edge)
  7. David Otunga (via submission c/o Chris Jericho)
  8. Chris Jericho (via pin fall c/o Heath Slater)
  9. Edge (via pin fall c/o Heath Slater)*
  10. Heath Slater (via submission c/o Daniel Bryan)
  11. Daniel Bryan (via pin fall c/o Wade Barrett)**
  12. Justin Gabriel (via pin fall c/o John Cena)
  13. Wade Barrett (via submission c/o John Cena)


* After Edge and Jericho were eliminated, Edge hit Cena with a spear right off the apron.
** Bryan was jumped from behind by The Miz with the Money in the Bank case, not seen by the referee.  This allowed for pin fall.


For the most part this PPV was very mediocre.  I was really bored throughout most of the first two hours.  The PPV really only picked up when the Elimination Match started.  In my opinion, there really wasn’t anything good enough to hold my attention for longer than a few minutes.  Sort of sad…

Didn’t like the fact that The Nexus ruined the Intercontinental Title Match.  That somewhat pissed me off.  I really wanted to see Kofi win the belt back.

I’m also fairly upset that the WWE didn’t have The Miz cash in Money in the Bank after Sheamus was knocked for a loop and needed help to walk to the back after the RKO on the announce table.  That would’ve been the perfect time to cash in and become WWE Champion.

Well, to all of you who believed that the “firing” of  Daniel Bryan was a work, congratulations, you were right… I guess.  While it was somewhat of a shocker, I think it would’ve been a bigger shocker to see Triple H appear.  He’s one of the biggest names in wrestling history, and I think in an angle like this he being the surprise would’ve put the angle over the top.  Daniel Bryan did well in the match too, and the kicker of the match was that they renewed his rivalry from season one of NXT with The Miz.