TNA Impact – 8/26/10

Now that the rivalry between Fourtune and EV2.0 has gotten way out of hand, how would TNA Management handle the situation?  Would things tighten up, or would things come unraveled even further?  Find out right here:

Video Package: Fourtune has grown, and now is trying to run the show.  Dixie Carter won’t tolerate it and gives EV2.0 contracts to allow them to get revenge.

  • Last week’s main event, AJ Styles vs. Tommy Dreamer interrupted as Abyss attacked Dreamer.

Backstage: Eric Bischoff trying to talk Dixie Carter into letting him go to ring and talk on her behalf.  She tells him no and wants to do this herself.

Dixie Carter to the ring.  She says that they’ve had success and challenging times in TNA… The critics gave them eight weeks to succeed and eight years later they’re better than ever… She vowed to keep the company safe from anyone or anything.  She calls out Ric Flair.

  • Flair to the ring and he starts off by hitting on Dixie and inviting her to the hotel to discuss their issues.
  • Dixie resists and says that she was excited when Flair joined TNA, but he’s failed miserably… Says his actions since Hardcore Justice have been cowardly…  She suspends him for 90-days without pay and tells him that he brought it on himself.
  • Flair asks if that means Fourtune too b/c if he and Fourtune are one in the same.  They come to the ring.
  • Dixie acknowledges that the members of Fourtune are great, but they were with TNA before Ric even got there.
  • Flair throws a fit about sitting on the sidelines.  As this happens, Dixie’s husband jumps in the ring and Fourtune jumps on him.
  • Hulk Hogan comes out with backup (Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, D’Angelo Dinero & Mr. Anderson).  Hogan says that he and Dixie had a deal to run the company 50/50, so he’s going to override her suspension.  He tells Flair that if he wanted to piss him off, he just did a good job.
  • Flair says that THEY are here and THEY are taking over on his terms.
  • Hogan makes a match, his four guys versus four of Fourtune (not Beer Money Inc.)
  • As Fourtune backs up the ramp, EV2.0 jumps them from behind and a brawl breaks out in the Impact Zone.

Backstage: Kurt Angle with his teammates for tonight talks about how normally their focus is on the TNA Title, but tonight it’s about bringing the keys back to TNA.

Orlando Jordan vs. Samoa Joe
WINNER: Joe via pin fall after hitting a Muscle Buster

  • Post match, Jeff Jarrett out to the ring to ask Joe for back up in his match tonight with Kevin Nash.  Jarrett wants Joe to keep an eye out for Sting so that he doesn’t get involved.  Joe tells him that he looks out for one person, himself.

Jeff Jarrett vs. Kevin Nash
WINNER: Nash via pin fall after Sting jumps Jarrett with baseball bat (ref bump)

  • Post match, Sting picks up Jarrett and Hulk Hogan’s music hits, but Eric Bischoff walks out.  Eric calls out Sting for helping Kevin.  Sting yells for Hogan.  Eric tells him be careful what you wish for…
  • Hulk is right behind Sting now with a chair… CRACK!  Shot to the back.

Backstage: Hulk Hogan asking Tommy Dreamer to back off Ric Flair for one night, and wants EV2.0 to take out Abyss.

Beer Money Inc. vs. The FBI
WINNERS: Beer Money via pin fall after hitting the DWI

  • Post match, they destroy the FBI with beer bottle to head, a Last Call Superkick and another DWI.

Backstage: Tommy Dreamer talking to EV2.0 about the bounty on Abyss’ head.  Stevie Richards goes berserk and wants the mission!

Angelina Love & Velvet Sky to the ring in their original Beautiful People standard.  Angelina Love says that she’s learned from her mistakes and that her and Velvet’s friendship is very valuable.  The talk turns to Madison Rayne and how to stop the monster they’ve created.

  • Interrupted by Madison and her biker chick bodyguard.  Madison claims that she’s going to sue them for gimmick infringement, and that she was brought in to TNA by them to make them relevant again.  She then calls Velvet Sky her bitch.
  • Brawl breaks out between the four ladies and security intervenes.

Backstage: Motor City Machine Guns talk about their titles and stepping up to all of the great tag team competition in their division, but they’re going to keep calm and relax a bit before their match by playing some Green Day Rock Band (new sponsor of TNA).

Video Package: Earlier in the day, the new tag team of London Brawling (Desmond Wolfe & Magnus) are out shopping for some “high rollin’ threads” with Chelsea.  She swipes their credit card and they don’t realize.

Non-Title Match
Motor City Machine Guns vs. Generation Me
WINNERS: MMG via pin fall after hitting the Neckbreaker/Big Splash combo

  • Post match, handshakes all around out of respect.

Backstage: Ric Flair’s pissed and is ranting about how things have been going down.  Out of nowhere, Sting comes up behind him and chokes him with the baseball bat saying that he’s got a “receipt coming courtesy of he and Kevin Nash.”

Video Package: A vignette of Shore coming soon.

Backstage: Stevie Richards and Abyss brawling outside in the production lot area.  Abyss vows to take out each member of EV2.0 using his weapon, Janice.

  • Rhino apparently saw the brawl, and comes to the ring to call out Abyss.  They brawl all around the Impact Zone and it’s capped off by a GORE GORE GORE!!!  Rhino stands tall.

Backstage: AJ Styles with Fourtune ranting about how TNA is the place that he build and he claims that he’s the one who made Dixie Carter.

AJ Styles, Matt Morgan, Kazarian & Doug Williams vs. Kurt Angle, “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero, Jeff Hardy & Mr. Anderson
WINNERS: Angle/Pope/Hardy/Anderson via pin fall after Pope pinned Kaz

  • Angle pissed at Pope because he hit Kaz with Angle Slam and was tagged blindly by Pope.
  • Post match, Fourtune attacks in a 7 on 4 beat down.  Tommy Dreamer, Mick Foley & Sabu to the ring.  Brawl continues in the Impact Zone.


TNA knows where their bread and butter is now, somewhat… Every week now they feature a tag team match that absolutely steals the show, and tonight it was the Guns vs. Gen Me.  Absolutely fantastic match up full of action and excitement!

I really am getting sick of all the random brawls that have been occurring over the past few weeks.  It’s almost so cave man like and it’s really boring to me.  I would rather see more scientific wrestling matches than chaotic brawls.

The video they showed of Shore is supposed to be a duo coming soon that’s going to be poking fun at the MTV show Jersey Shore… WONDERFUL… (SARCASM!)

The only thing that confused the hell out of me last night was the threat from Sting on Flair.  I know they have had their problems in the past, but I don’t remember for the life of me why in TNA Sting and Nash would have a huge issue with Flair enough to warrant a “receipt” for it