TNA Impact Review, 12/23/10


Here is what all went down this past Thursday on Impact:

-Show opens up with Immortal coming down to the ring. Rick Flair starts talking about greatness, and starts talking about what Rob Terrie that tonight he proves to Immortal that he can become their official body guard. Eric then starts to talk about the official weigh in about the #1 contenders match at Genesis. Morgan comes out. Ric gets in the way and says that he wants him to get that smirk off of his face. Morgan then says that this weigh in is a sham. He then goes on and says that Eric and everyone in this ring is a glory hog. He also says job or no job, he is not going to take this lying down. Eric then says that they don’t want any trouble and that they have doctors to give them the ok. Morgan then starts throwing threats at them. Mick Folly then comes out and says let him take care of things. He says that both him and Ric took this place apart in the impact zone. He goes on to talk about concussions that he’s had all his life, and that it takes a toll on you during your career. And that him and Anderson are alike, because they both love this business. He then says that while in this ring, that Anderson will not be wrestling in that match. Ric goes on to say that because of Mick that non-professional wrestlers are using nails, razor blades, and the fact that wrestling has had a bad rep as of late. Mic and Flair start arguing about the problem.

Match #1: JJ MMA #3 (Amazing Red VS Jeff Jarret)
Winner: Jeff Jarret
Rating: Poor

Match #2: Robbie E. VS Kazarian VS Generation Me (#1 cont. for X Division Championship)
Winner: Kazarian
Rating: Good

Match #3: The Beautiful People VS Tara & Madison Reign (Knockout Title match)
Winners: The Beautiful People
Rating: Decent

Match #4: AJ Styles VS Douglas Williams (Iron Man Match for the TV Title)
Winner: No contest
Rating: Great

Match #5: Team Beer Money VS Team Motor City Machine Guns (Tag Team Championships)
Winners: Team Motor City Machine Guns
Rating: Decent/Good

Final Thoughts: Over all for a final Impact right before Christmas, this wasn’t that bad. To be honest, this has to be their best one in over two-three months. They finally made Impact viewable for once for the first time in awhile. If TNA can continue to pull out content like this for many future Impacts/PPVs, then I’ll be very much interested in the product.

Match of the night was the Iron Man Match, no doubt about it. Didn’t think it was going to out well, but in the end, it was better then expected. However, just like the Jeff/Kurt Iron Man Match, there was no winner. Hopefully at Genesis we’ll have a deciding winner from this mayhem and might see Douglas Williams retain.

Once again, another boring JJ MMA event. I was very much expecting someone better to face Jeff Jarret then Amazing Red. I’m not saying Amazing Red can’t put on a good match, I’m just saying that at this point TNA isn’t doing much with him but making him look like their special little meat punching bag. Maybe one day they’ll give this kid a chance towards gold. Only time will tell. But aside from that, I beg of TNA to get rid of this gimmick and soon. Cause these type of events always put me to sleep because they have nothing to do with what TNA should be about, but instead trying to be something that it isn’t.

X Division’s #1 Cont. match wasn’t bad either. Good thing Kazarian got the push he deserves, cause he sure as hell deserved it. The only problem I had with the match was the fact that Generation Me was in there instead of some other two people. But still, good over all match.