Sorry this has taken a few days to get posted. I’ve just been trying really hard to write this without sounding like a whiny little girl, but I’ve come to the conclusion that’s going to happen anyway. This past Monday, Monday Night Raw was celebrating its 20th anniversary. After watching the show, I use the term “celebrating” very loosely.
First off, let me make this clear. I do realize former superstars like Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold were never officially advertised for the show. On the other hand, if this was suppose to be a celebration of 20 years, why not have the stars on who made it last this long? Don’t worry, though. We were treated to a mid-show match of CM Punk vs Brodus Clay. Our 400+ day WWE Champion is mid-carded against Brodus Clay on the 20th Anniversary show? Another complaint I have is Dolph Ziggler vs Cena in a steel cage match. On paper this match sounds alright. And it could have been. Dolph Ziggler is in the middle of a big push. We’ll likely even see a baby-face turn in the near future because he’s getting over with a large market. In this match, however, we saw the return of “Super Cena.” There were several instances where Dolph could have stole the victory with Big E Langston and AJ Lee on the outside. Instead, we get the Cena of old, overcoming all the odds.
Finally, the last 20 minutes of Raw…but we unfortunately already know we aren’t going to get any surprises because the only thing left is The Rock Concert version 133 or however many it is. The Rock made Vickie Guerrero the butt of his song jokes. I like making fun of Vickie as much as the next guy, but do we really need to save the last 20 minutes of a milestone show for this? What I would have loved to see: A ring full of both current and past superstars in the ring engaging in celebration, with confetti and balloons, then the glass breaks, and Stone Cold sprays a good 40 people with the beer truck. That way, we’d get a nice combo of “Then” and “Now” Instead, we get the return of Ric Flair after TWO WHOLE WEEKS, and Mick Foley’s Hall of Fame announcement, which could have been done on any show. Moral of the story, the biggest thing to happen on this show was Kaitlyn capturing the Divas Championship and Eve making her final appearance. Talk about a let down of a celebration.
I will point out that I am very interested in where the Wade Barrett clean victory over Randy Orton will head. I know it has something to do with Orton’s impending heel turn. I just want to know how/when that will happen.
When it comes down to it, this Raw felt like any other Raw that could have been done any other week. The WWE TALKED about doing a lot of special things, but for some reason, chose to do nothing. I hope this isn’t a sign of things to come for the Wrestlemania season. See you all after Smackdown. Hey maybe that will be better than Raw. Ok, maybe not.
Raw 20th Anniversary Letdown