I’d like to start out by apologizing for being absent for a couple weeks. The reason for my absence, as you all likely know, is because I was (and still am) VERY upset about WWE’s decision to put the WWE Championship on The Rock. I find it to be insulting to the current roster and a cheap way to get The Rock’s mediocre films extra publicity that they don’t even need. On that note, be sure to check out Fast and Furious Part 57: The Cars Get a Paint Job, starring your beloved Dwayne, in theaters sometime or another.
That being said, my entries from now until whenever Dwayne is gone, will speak VERY LITTLE of him and his upcoming now Twice in a Lifetime feud with Cena.
What a Raw for me to return to talk about, huh? Oh wait…it wasn’t good. In fact, it seemed as if the promos were written about 5 minutes beforehand. More on that later.
Monday’s Raw was a little different on some counts, though. We saw some good rasslin! The highlight of the night was a WWE Active match between CM Punk, who wanted introduced as “The People’s Champion” and Chris Jericho. Of course, per usual, the Raw Active poll was crashed by the “record number of votes” that came in. At least that was the reason WWE provided. The match was everything you could expect and more from such ring generals. I am a big Jerichoholic and a big Punk fan, so this match was just pure fun for me. And it didn’t involve any of the silly storyline build that they gave to it during last year’s Wrestlemania time. This was just a straight up wrestling match that really pulled me back into a slow show.
Another perk from Raw was the return of Mark Henry following a pretty decent Daniel Bryan/Rey Mysterio match (won by Daniel Bryan, who is also now official for the Elimination Chamber match.) Henry came out and destroyed both Rey and Sin Cara, likely causing enough noise to get himself into the chamber match as well but that has not been confirmed. The 3 confirmed names are Mysterio, Orton, and Daniel Bryan.
There were several matches on Raw. More than I need to talk about. So here are the results of the other matches: Ryback def. Antonio Cesaro, Jack Swagger (who returned on Smackdown last Friday) defeated Santino Marella via submission. He has renamed the Ankle Lock to the Patriot Act. Alberto Del Rio defeated Cody Rhodes with the Cross Arm Breaker, Sheamus defeated Kane after Bryan distracted Kane. Things started getting very rocky with Team Hell No on this week’s Raw. Randy Orton defeated Wade Barrett in a fantastic match. These two seem to click in the ring, in my opinion.
Here are a few key factors where WWE dropped the ball for this week’s Raw: 1.) Dolph Ziggler is one of your hottest talents right now. There is SURELY room for him somewhere other than a dark match. Ball drop 2.) WWE finally brought Brock Lesnar back last week and had him F5 the chairman…this week, Brock ruins Miz TV? Let’s be honest, that segment is ruined as soon as babyface Miz touches the microphone. Apparently WWE is waiting til after the Elimination Chamber PPV to bring Triple H into the mix, because there is no point in doing it a week before if they chose to do it next week. Ball drop number 3.) This really only requires three words: Brad Maddox Promo. Ball drop number 4.) It’s pretty easy to tell how WWE feels about the mid-card championships having both the US Champion and Intercontinental Champion lose clean in the same night. Finally, ball drop number 5.) The whole ending. I already mentioned the clusterf*ck with Brad Maddox at the end. Then we have Cena who was suppose to be calling out The Shield but The Shield are the ones already in the ring? Makes your hyped up call out look like a bit of a failure, doesn’t it? And then to have the Shield retreat to 3 guys they have already beat up at the same time before? This choice beats me. If anything, hopefully it’s a way for the Shield to recover at the PPV and beat Sheamus, Ryback, and Cena. I realize the Shield has to end sometime, but I think it needs to be with them on top, then somehow find a way to get their singles careers going.
Another note before i close; it was revealed that Vickie Guerrero was responsible for re-hiring Brock Lesnar in an attempt to “impress Mr. McMahon.” We see how that wound up for Vince. So I’m praying to God that this is Vickie’s last straw and it gets her off of my TV for a while, if not forever.
On the wrestling side, I give Monday Night Raw a 9/10. On the storyline content/promo side, I give it a 5.
Punk and Jericho Steal The Show