Betty White/The Authority, Randy Orton and Daniel Bryan promo
Betty White comes to the stage with Big Show as the crowd chants her name. Big Show asks what’s going to happen tonight and Betty says she is going to “kick some ass”. The Authority comes out, Stephanie McMahon hugs her, while Triple H stares down Big Show.
Triple H clarifies that they never said that Daniel Bryan would be “face of the WWE” if he won his match last week, they would just reconsider him, along with every member of the Elimination Chamber match, but here comes Orton. Once he is in the ring, Stephanie tells him that it would be in his best interest if he turned right back around. Orton actually apologizes to The Authority, he hasn’t been his best self, and he needs to start really bringing for the rest of his title reign. Orton says he wants to do everything outside of the ring that it takes to be the “face of the WWE”, he wants that title and he wants to own it by being the hart and soul of the company, and here comes Bryan.
Stephanie tells both Superstars that they need to make appointments with their Director of Operations, and not interrupt her and her husband. Bryan then talks about Kane and all his corruption, and Stephanie says he has been reprimanded. Bryan then calls out Stephanie and Triple H for being oblivious, Orton then says he will take Bryan out, but Triple H has it covered. Triple H then announces Bryan will have the rest of the night off.
My Take: Betty White is amazing.
Stephanie has been carrying Triple H for a while now. The Authority’s promos have been very good purely because of her.
This is great for Bryan, if WWE was trying to keep Bryan down and kill his momentum, they wouldn’t announce him not having a match in the ring on the opening segment of Raw. They would just have him not wrestle.
Rey Mysterio, Goldust and Cody Rhodes vs. The Wyatt Family/Bray Wyatt promo
Bray gets the win by hitting an amazing Sister Abigail on Mysterio.
Bray gets on the mic in his rocking chair. He tells The Shield any team that gets in his way has fallen. He says The Shield will fall as well, in time for his next “game” to begin.
My Take: This was a really good match. The last two minutes or so was a complete frenzy. Cody had a great move to off the ropes to the outside, then Bray’s Sister Abigail on Mysterio, this match was fantastic.
Bray’s promos are so intricate, but they’re made on his facial expressions and his cadence, he’s so good.
The Shield w/ Renee Young/Betty White with the Total Divas and The New Age Outlaws
The Shield tell Renee that they don’t care what the Wyatts have to say, they’re not scared and they’re going to take care of business at Elimination Chamber. Renee then asks Dean Ambrose about his lack of title defenses. Ambrose then tells her that the amount of paperwork he has to do is a contributing factor, but Roman Reigns calls him out, so Ambrose issues an open challenge for his title to the locker room.
Betty White is talking to the Total Divas about her own TV show. Natalya talks about the premise of the show and playing practical jokes. The Outlaws arrive and invite Betty to go with them and get some tea.
My Take: Reigns called Renee “babygirl” during their interview, it was amazing. More importantly, it should be interesting to see who answers the open challenge.
The thought of The Outlaws getting tea with Betty White might be too much to handle.
Fandango vs. Santino Marella/Sheamus w/ Byron Saxton
Emma came to the ring with Santino, but it didn’t help. Fandango got the win with the top rope leg drop.
Byron asks Sheamus about the Elimination Chamber match, and teaming tonight with one of his opponents for that match, Christian. Sheamus says that he likes and trusts Christian to team with him tonight, and it doesn’t change anything for the Elimination Chamber.
My Take: Emma should have been more involved, there should have been an interaction between her and Summer Rae.
Sheamus got the task of doing an interview to explain teaming with an opponent, this interview was for no other purpose than that.
Christian pre-taped promo/Zeb Colter and Antonio Cesaro promo/Christian and Sheamus vs. The Real Americans/John Cena w/ Renee Young
Christian says he thinks he could be the “face of the WWE” when he becomes a 3-time world champion. He mentioned he might not be “poster-boy material”, an obvious nod to the story that Vince McMahon doesn’t like his face.
Zeb says it is not right that an Irishman and Canadian were in their own countries “licking their wounds”, now they return to America and immediately get chances to win the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. Cesaro says he doesn’t care about any of that because he is going to make sure he leaves with the title.
Sheamus hit a Brogue Kick on Jack Swagger for the win.
Cena says that he and Randy Orton have dominated the WWE for the past 10 years, but listening to crowd reaction for Daniel Bryan shows change is coming. The Elimination Chamber match decides the title, their match tonight decides their and the company’s future. Then he told the Wyatts, The Shield, Cesaro and Bryan that if they want to lead the WWE, they have to go through him.
My Take: Nice touch on the “poster-boy” joke.
“Blah blah blah crossing our borders blah blah blah illegals”. Cesaro’s cool though, he got a big pop when he grabbed the mic.
The Sheamus-Cesaro part of this match was brutal, that would be a very good feud. Cesaro was the MVP of this match, which was the best match of the night.
Cena’s good at what he does. In an interview with Renee, he just put over Orton, The Wyatt Family, The Shield, Cesaro and Bryan.
Dolph Ziggler vs. Alberto Del Rio/Batista attack/WWE Network demonstration
Del Rio wins with what he calls a Superkick, but it’s not really a Superkick. Del Rio puts Ziggler in the Cross Arm Breaker after the match, but Batista comes out for the save. Batista hits Del Rio with a Batista Bomb through the announce table.
It’s not as bad as you think, Michael Cole didn’t do it. It was a pre-taped thing with the Bella Twins as stewardesses.
My Take: Ziggler gets a big pop and jobs to Del Rio, then gets attacked, so of course Batista gets a pop for saving him. I’m happy to see Batista, but I’m not sure anybody else is.
Clever presentation on the Network demonstration, better than getting it from Michael Cole.
Batista and Triple H backstage
Triple H stops Batista backstage and tells him he can’t attack other Superstars like that anymore because things have changed. Batista doesn’t like it, so Triple H makes a match between Batista and Alberto Del Rio for Elimination Chamber.
My Take: This seemed pretty obvious for a while now, since before Batista even came back.
Next Hall of Fame inductee
Lita joins The Ultimate Warrior and Jake “The Snake” Roberts in the Class of 2014. For more on this story click here.
The Outlaws and Betty White backstage
Road Dogg explains what separates their tea, as The Outlaws clearly try to prank Betty. When they are not looking Betty switches her cup with Billy Gunn’s.
My Take: I don’t like this because it means we are going to see “humor” later tonight.
Ryback and Curtis Axel vs. The Usos
The Usos got the win after a top rope splash.
My Take: The tag team wrestling on tonight’s episode has been fantastic.
Dean Ambrose vs. Mark Henry (United States Championship match)/The Wyatt Family
Henry hit the World’s Strongest Slam and went for the cover, but Seth Rollins broke it up for the DQ, before Roman Reigns hit the spear on Henry outside the ring.
After the match, The Shield were leaving when the Wyatts came to the ramp. The six men stared each other down from across the ring, before climbing to the apron. Reigns entered the ring, Bray teased getting in the ring but decided against it and laughed maniacally as he left.
My Take: Not a very interesting match, Henry didn’t belong in a title match right out of the gate.
The Shield and the Wyatts being the same building gets a crowd going. It will be amazing when these two teams finally get to Elimination Chamber.
AJ Lee, Aksana and Alicia Fox vs. The Bella Twins and Cameron
Cameron pins Aksana after a DDT.
My Take: Cameron isn’t very good, not yet anyway. Other than that, another good showing from the Divas division, they have been improving a lot in recent weeks.
Alexander Rusev and Lana vignette/Kane and Daniel Bryan
Another vignette for the Bulgarian from NXT. Rusev spoke in Bulgarian, he must be a future target for Zeb.
Kane came out looking very apologetic, but Bryan wasn’t having it. Bryan came out to attack, but Kane got the upper hand. Just as Kane went for the chokeslam, Bryan countered, knocked Kane to the outside and hit a suicide dive, before Kane escaped through the crowd.
My Take: Not a huge Rusev fan, but he certainly deserves a chance.
Bryan gaining the upper hand on Kane, after receiving two chokeslams last week is important. Should be interesting to see where all this goes.
Betty White backstage/Randy Orton vs. John Cena
Betty makes a joke about all these “shirtless men in tiny trunks”, then sends it back out to the ring for the main event.
Both guys kicked out of each others finishers in this one. Cena got the win by following up the top rope leg drop with his second AA of the match.
My Take: Betty White is amazing, she should host every week.
A very good match, on par with their match at the Royal Rumble. The crowd likes to complain about these two, but the crowd always gets into it at the end. It would have been nice to see Bryan be the only one to beat Orton in this five-match series.
Overall Impression
The wrestling on this show was fantastic. Having so many tag matches allowed a lot of Superstars to get involved, and most of those Superstars impressed. Not a ton of storyline developing, but we shouldn’t expect much until after the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view.
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