WWE Elimination Chamber PPV Play-By-Play Results


The expert panel is Mark Henry, Rey Mysterio and , along with Josh Mathews.

They had a backstage interview with the Real Americans, who both promised to win titles tonight.

They had JBL and Jerry Lawler’s entrances.

They aired a video package on Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio.

WWE Network promo.

As they came back from that, you could hear a CM Punk chant.

Curtis Axel & Ryback (with Larry Hennig) vs. Goldust & Cody Rhodes

I popped huge for Larry Hennig coming out with his grandson. They talked about his history in the business.

Axel and Goldust started off. Goldust reversed a hiptoss. They went back and forth and tagged in Cody and Ryback. Ryback used his power on Cody and drilled him with a series of shoulderblocks in the corner.

Axel tagged back in but was clotheslined over the top to the floor. Cody dropped down as Ryback charged and he went to the floor. Goldust dove off the apron onto one of them as Cody hit a springboard dive onto the other. They went to commercial to plug the show we are already watching.

When they returned to the match, Ryback stomped the hell out of Goldust. Michael Cole mentioned Xbox not carrying the PPV and said it was because the WWE App was getting ready for tomorrow.

Axel tagged in and continued beating down Goldust. Ryback and Axel tagged in and out, trashing Goldust. He finally cut off Axel with a clothesline and tagged in Cody, who cleaned house and nailed a moonsault for a two count. Rhodes nailed the Alabama Slam but Ryback pulled him out of the ring. Cody avoided hm and nailed the Disaster Kick off the stairs.

Rhodes went to the top and went for a missile dropkick but was caught with a powerbomb for a two count. Ryback and Goldust battled out of the ring. Ryback missed a charge and hit the guard rail. Cody avoided the Perfectplex and hit the CrossRhodes for the pin.

Your winner, Cody Rhodes and Goldust!

Byron Saxton interfered The Usos. They said they have wanted to hold the Tag Team belts their entire life. They said their Uncles the Wild Samoans had them and their father Rikishi had them. What, no love for Samu? They said they are going to be the new champions.

WWE Intercontinental champion Big E. vs. Jack Swagger

Zeb Colter cut a promo saying the E. in Big E. stands for “enough” of him as champion. He said the Intercontinental champion should be good for all continents and that since Big E. won the title, nothing has been done for this continent. He then tried to blame the Polar Vortex on people sneaking over the borders.

Swagger worked over Langston early with big right hands and knees in the corner but Langston came back with a series of belly to belly suplexes. He sent Swagger into the corner and charged but Swagger slipped out of the ring. Langston followed and sent him into the steps.

Zeb tried to distract Langston but he still speared Swagger into the steps. Langston tried to pull him into the ring but was yanked down to the floor and nailed with a running clothesline.

Back in the ring, Swagger continued working over Langston and tried to put him in a submission combination. Langston fired back but was cut off with a big kick and an elbowdrop. He worked over Langston who came back with a belly to belly suplex and a big elbow.

Langston went for the splash but Swagger popped up and slammed him down. Swagger went for a Vader Bomb out of the corner but Langston moved and caught him. He muscled Swagger over the ropes to the apron and speared him off to the floor with both of them crashing down hard. The crowd chanted, “Holy sh**.”

Swagger was bleeding from the mouth. Langston brought him into the ring for a two count. He nailed a big splash for another two count. Langston went to the top but Swagger cut him off and nailed a belly to belly throw suplex for a near fall.

Swagger locked in the Patriot Lock in the center. Langston made it to the ropes. They slugged it out. Swagger went for a Gutwrench suplex but Langston forced his way out. They went back and forth until Langston was locked in the Patriot Lock.

Langston was able to get to his feet and nailed an enzuigiri while locked in the move, then nailed The Big Ending for the pin.

Your winner and still WWE Intercontinental champion, Big E!

A really good physical match. This was probably the best showing for E. on the main roster to date. Good stuff!

Bad News Barrett rose up on a new, better looking platform and said he had some bad news and that was that Russia won more Olympic medals than The Americans and now we have to wait four years for them to do it again.

They talked about the Hulk Hogan WWE return. I think you may have read about that a few weeks ago when I broke it!

They reviewed the beating Daniel Bryan has taken over the last few weeks. Bryan was interviewed by Byron Saxton, with his shoulder taped up. He said that no matter what, he gives 100% all of the time. He doesn’t know if that will be enough to be champion. He said that he does know that they will go after his shoulder and that this match will be painful and that he will do everything he can to go on and main event Wrestlemania….YES! YES!

WWE Tag Team Title Match: New Age Outlaws (c) Vs. The Usos

The Usos controlled early and teased doing stereo dives but The Outlaws got out of the way. When they returned to the ring, Jey controlled Road Dogg until he kicked him hard and hiptossed him into the buckles.

Road Dogg antagonized Jimmy, who argued with the referee, allowing him to dump Jey to the outside. Billy Gunn tagged in and worked over Jey, then tagged in Road Dogg, who nailed a stiff kick for a two count, then cinched in a side chinlock.

Jey kicked Road Dogg. Jimmy tagged in as did Gunn. Gunn was beaten down with chops and nailed with a sitdown atomic drop. Road Dogg was tossed to the outside. Gunn was nailed with a Samoan Drop. Gunn was pulled to the outside but Jey hit a dive to the outside.

Gunn nailed Jimmy and went for the Famouser. Jimmy escaped and nailed a kick for a two count. He nailed Road Dogg with a superkick to send him off the apron but Gunn rolled him up (and I believe hooked the tights) to score the pin.

Your winners and still WWE Tag Team champions, The New Age Outlaws!

Lots of CM Punk chants during the Tag Title match.

Bad News Barrett had some more bad news. This time, his platform didn’t even work. He said the news was that Daniel Bryan won’t win and all the fickle fans will turn on him.

Darren Young Vs. Titus O’Neal 

More Network promotional stuff with the announcers. More CM Punk chants from the country.

Titus O’Neil vs. Darren Young

They immediately started muscling each other around the ring, trying to get the better of the other. They had some nice intensity early. Titus nailed him with a right hand.

”We want Lesnar” chants begin. That is not a good sign for these guys getting over with the live audience.

Titus sent Young into the corner and nailed him with a big shoulderblock. He nailed Young with a right hand and whipped him into the ropes. Young reversed and nailed a right hand. He clotheslined Young over the top. Young tossed him back into the ring and nailed a top rope clothesline into the ring for a two count.

Titus whipped Young into the corner and he took a crazy bump to the floor. O’Neil worked over Young and locked in an abdominal stretch, chopping Young as he trapped him in the move. Young elbowed O’Neil’s legs to break it and kicked him off as he charged.

Young nailed a series of right and nailed a knee lift. He ducked a clothesline and backdropped him. Young worked him over with a series of rights. Titus rolled to the apron. Young nailed a neckbreaker on the apron for a two count. He went for a move but was nailed in the kidney and nailed with Clash of the Titus for the pin.

Your winner, Titus O’Neil!

Bad News Barrett was back. He admitted the Platform was broken by saying Minnesota’s electricians were as bad as their football team so he will be down here for the rest of the night. He said the bad news was that Hulk Hogan was returning, but his skills and spotlight were ecliped by…Bad News Barrett.

The Wyatt Family Vs. The Shield

The fans were chanting “This is awesome” when they all faced off. This has more of a big fight feel than anything I can remember of late on PPV. Lots of dueling chants.

They started brawling with each other. The Shield cleared the ring. They settled down and rang the bell. Rowan and Rollins started off. He tried to overpower Rollins but ate a dropkick. Rollins still ate a clothesline that turned him inside out. Harper tagged in and nailed a headbutt.

Bray tagged in but Reigns made the tag and nailed some big moves. Bray nailed him with right hand and a headbutt. Bray fired back. They nailed a series of big shots. Bray dragged him into the corner and Harper tagged in. He went for a suplex but it was blocked several times before Reigns could reverse it.

Now Harper was trapped in The Shield’s corner and worked over in the corner by Ambrose. The Shield took turns taking Harper apart. Harper was dropkicked into the ropes. The Shield swarmed over him and continued the beating. Ambrose ripped Harper across the face with his elbow. He came off the ropes with a jawjacker but was caught with a dropkick.

Harper stomped him and tagged in Wyatt. Wyatt nailed him with a charging squash in the corner. The Wyatts began picking apart Ambrose tagging in and out. Harper was nailed by Ambrose but cut him off and nailed a suplex for a two count. Ambrose finally tagged in Rollins. Harper worked him over and placed him on the top but Rollins landed on his feet out of a belly to back superplex, clotheslined Harper over the top, nailed a dive, then a flying knee to the face. That was awesome.

Rollins missed a running knee and was caught with a Black Hole Slam for a two count. The Wyatts worked over Rollins on the floor. Rowan took him out as he tried to make a tag and slammed him down. Harper tagged in and nailed a catapult on Rollins as he was draped under the bottom rope. Bray screamed to be tagged in and began nailing headbutts and cinched in a side chinlock.

They continued working over Rollins until Reigns made the hot tag. He cleaned house with all sorts of badass offense. He nailed a belly to back suplex on Rowan for a pinfall attempt but Bray broke it up. Dean attacked him. Harper and Rollins came into the fray. Harper NAILED A DIVE to the floor on Ambrose. Rollins then nailed tope con hilo to the outside.

Reigns sent Rowan into the corner and rolled him up for a two count. They charged and laid each other out with clotheslines. This match is freakin’ great!

Outside, Rollins began setting up an announcer’s table to be used as a weapon but was jumped by Wyatt. Bray and Harper were going to put him through the table but Ambrose attacked. He and Bray brawled into the crowd and disappeared into the audience battling.

Rowan and Reigns slugged it out in the middle of the ring. Reigns was kicked in the gut and sent shoulder-first into the post. He came back with a BIG clothesline for another two count. Harper and Rollins brawled on the floor. Rollins nailed him with a monitor but was attacked by the returning Bray. They set up Rollins on the announcer’s table.

Reigns was nailed with a Fall Away Slam that sent him to the outside of the opposite side of the ring. The Wyatts nailed a double chokeslam while standing on one table through the other. The crowd became unglued for that one. Great stuff.

Reigns rolled back in the ring and was left three on one as the others were incapacitated. Reigns looked concerned and attacked Wyatt. Rowan nailed him. The Wyatts double teamed Reigns and presented him to Bray. Bray set him up for Sister Abigail but Reigns powered out of it. Bray tried to fight back but was caught with a Samoan Drop. Harper was tossed to the outside. Rowan and Bray were nailed with Superman punches.

Reigns set up Wyatt for a spear but Harper hit the ring and ate it instead. Wyatt then speared Reigns and nailed him with Sister Abigail for the pin.

Your winners, The Wyatt Family!

An awesome, intense, well put together fight. This was one of the most fun things I’ve seen all year.

WWE Network commercial with Hulk Hogan and John Cena.

Renee Young interviewed Christian. He said that he hasn’t been on a role when questioned but said no one will remember after he wins the WWE World Heavyweight championship tonight. He said that he re-assessed and told everyone to underestimate him. He said he’s desperate and will win the title.

WWE Divas champion AJ Lee vs. Cameron

Cameron caught her with a rollup for a two count and mocked Lee’s skipping. She nailed her and hit her with a split for another two count. Cameron kicked her. She rebounded off the ropes and Lee kicked her and they went down in an awkward moment.

Lee worked her over and nailed a neckbreaker for another two count. Lee locked in a Dragon Sleeper. Cameron fought her way to her feet but was slammed down to the mat. Lee sent her into the corner but missed a charge into the corner. Cameron rolled her up for a two count.

Cameron nailed a series of clotheslines and a dropkick to the head for another two count. Cameron nailed a really bad looking version of the Thesz Press. Lee sent her to the floor. Lee mocked Cameron’s pom poms and her dance moves. She got on the apron but Cameron pulled her off the apron. Tamina tried to superkick Cameron on the floor but nailed Lee when Cameron ducked.

Lee was brought into the ring and covered by Cameron. Tamina pulled Lee out of the ring. Cameron went to nail a sliding kick but was clobbered with a clothesline by Tamina. DQ city.

Your winner by DQ, Cameron!

Tamina stomped Cameron on the floor after. She went to give Lee the title. Lee wasn’t happy about the kick but was happy she was still champion.

They didn’t have a lot of time but did what they could. Cameron has a lot of work ahead of her in the ring.

Bad News Barrett was back. He said that since they broke his podium, he has more time to deliver bad news. He said the Network is launching tomorrow. The bad news is no one knows if they are going to get royalties. No, he didn’t say that. The bad news was that there is so much content, you will get fired from your jobs and you will flunk out of school. He said that you won’t take your garbage out and the government will condemn your homes and will all be out on the streets.

JBL said, “What’s the matter with rats moving in?” Those are a different type of rats JBL was talking about.

They did a silly vignette pushing the WWE Stackdown toys with Santino Marella, Emma, Torito and Los Matadores. Santino got embarrassed Emma saw him with the toys and said he would never play and ran off. Emma of course, loves toys and played with the others.

Batista vs. Alberto Del Rio

Batista was booed as soon as his music hit. Del Rio came out on crutches and said that due to Batista’s attack, he wasn’t able to compete. He then nailed him with a ctrutch he bought to the ring and disrobed to reveal his tights. He kept working him over with shots to the back and knees. He nailed Batista again and yelled for the bell.

Batista pulled himself to his feet and attacked Del Rio. The crowd was behind ADR and booing Batista. They were chanting, “Boo-Tista.”

Alberto tied up Batista in the ropes and used the armbar. He then began stomping the hell out of him. The crowd chanted for “Daniel Bryan”, I guess in protest of Batista being in the main event of Wrestlemania.

Del Rio cinched in an armbar. Now, the crowd was loudly chanting for CM Punk. Batista fired back but ADR snapped his arm with his knees. JBL acknowledged it was an unusual crowd cheering for ADR. A “Y2J” chant broke out.

Batista sent ADR into the corner shoulder-first. Batista nailed him with several shoulderblocks but was kicked down. ADR nailed a double stomp off the ropes. The crowd began chanting for “RVD.” ADR nailed a kick to the head for a two count, but Batista grabbed the bottom rope at the last second. Batista was covered again but kicked up. Now, it was a “We want Lesnar” chant.

Batista caught ADR with a spear and covered him for a two count. He worked over ADR but was caught with a backstabber. ADR missed a swanton and was nailed with a spinebuster. The crowd booed the hell out of that. ADR escaped a Batista Bomb attempt and kicked Batista in the head for a two count.

ADR called for the cross armbreaker but was shoved into the buckles and nailed with the Batista Bomb for the pin.

Your winner, Batista!

Well, it was something. It wasn’t good but it was something.

Elimination Chamber: WWE World Heavyweight champion Randy Orton vs. John Cena vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Cesaro vs. Sheamus vs. Christian

Cena, Orton, Christian, Bryan are in the pods. So, opening will be Sheamus vs. Cesaro.

Cesaro controlled Sheamus and stomped him until he rolled out of the ring. Sheamus made a comeback but was sent over the top and to the steel outside again. Cesaro charged across the ring but was nailed with a flying shoulderblock into the ring. Sheamus nailed a neckbreaker for a two count.

He whipped Cesaro into the corner and nailed him with a big knee lift. He clotheslined Cesaro over the top onto the steel outside and tried to set him up for the chest strikes. Cesaro fought to free himself but failed, getting drilled over and over with the shots. He was then clotheslined down on the steel.

Sheamus set up to suplex Cesaro into the ring but was blocked. Cesaro tried to reverse and they both ended up on the apron fighting. Cesaro came off the ropes with a double stomp onto the steel. Cesaro kept working over Sheamus but was fought off with kicks. Sheamus came back with a shoulderblock off the ropes.

The first man out of the pods was Daniel Bryan. He leapt into the ring with a missile dropkick and cleaned house on everyone. Bryan was a big favorite live, as you would imagine. He worked over them both. He placed Sheamus in a submission and hit a Northern Lights suplex on Cesaro at the same time.

Cesaro nailed a tilowhirl backbreaker across the knee on Bryan. He and Sheamus began slugging it out with Sheamus getting the better of the exchange. He nailed a clothesline. Cesaro battled back with knee strikes and clotheslined Sheamus over the ropes to the steel outside. Cesaro followed and drove his knee into Sheamus’ head, grinding it into the steel.

Bryan returned to the fray but an Irish Whip outside was reversed and he was sent into the pod, with the plastic exploding. Bryan went down with his shoulder hurt. Sheamus nailed his forward rolling Samoan Drop on Cesaro on the outside. Sheamus went to the top and battled with Bryan.

The next man out is Christian. . He shoved Sheamus off the top and went right after Bryan, attacking his shoulder and ripping the tape off of it. He slammed the pod door on Bryan’s shoulder and nailed a tornado DDT for a two count. Bryan came back with several kicks and an enziguiri. He went for a running dropkick in the corner but missed and crashed hard.

Sheamus attacked Christian and sent him over and over into the steel chain of the Chamber. He went for a running move with Christian on his shoulder but Christian slipped off and nailed an inverted DDT on the outside. Christian and Cesaro battled on the outside. Christian climbed the cage and dove off but was caught and hit with a running powerbomb into a pod for a two count.

Sheamus and Cesaro battled. Cesaro used the pod’s plastic door to smother Sheamus and drilled him. He nailed a belly to back suplex on Sheamus for a two count. They brawled.

Out next is John Cena. He went right after Christian and nailed a AA into the ring onto Sheamus. He went to the top and Bryan stopped him and nailed a top rope rana into the ring. Bryan nailed a series of kicks but was grabbed and hit with the Killswitch for a two count by Christian.

Cena dives onto Christian and worked him over. Sheamus nailed him with White Noise for a two count. Cesaro returned to the fray and battled with Sheamus. He sent Sheamus into the corner, where Christian kicked him. Cesaro went for the Neutralizer but Sheamus backdropped him. Christian nailed a tornado DDT on Sheamus for a two count. Cena grabbed him and drove Christian backwards into the cage.

Cena and Cesaro battled. Cena was nailed with a big European uppercut as he was coming down for a two count. Cena, Cesaro and Bryan all battled back and forth. Sheamus and Christian joined the battle as well. Bryan was sent hard into the post. Cesaro superplexed Sheamus for a two count.

The final pod, featuring Randy Orton, opened. He set up for a punt on Bryan but Bryan rolled out of the ring. Everyone circled around Orton. Orton tried to lock himself back in the pod. Sheamus stood outside menacing him as everyone else battled. Sheamus finally Brogue Kicked the pod, shattering it and began beating the hell out of Orton. He clotheslined him into the ring but was grabbed by Cesaro and sent into the cage.

Cena nailed Orton with all the usual offensive maneuvers but was tossed out of the ring by Cesaro. Cesaro grabbed Orton for the big swing and nailed it, hitting 30 rotations. Daniel Bryan whipped out the Chaos Theory on Cesaro. Everyone battled and scored near falls on each other.

Sheamus caught Christian on the Outside and called for the Celtic Cross. Christian escaped and climbed to the top of a pod. Sheamus followed but was attacked by Orton. Orton nailed a superplex. Christian nailed a splash off the top of the pod and pinned Sheamus.

Sheamus has been eliminated at 26 minutes.

Christian escaped a hanging DDT but Bryan nailed him with the running knee and scored the pin.

Christian has been eliminated.

Cesaro and Bryan faced off with Orton and Cena. Everyone brawled. Cena and Bryan dispatched their opponents and then faced off. The crowd chanted, “Yes!” Cena and Bryan exchanged punches and kicks in the center of the ring. Bryan went for the Yes Lock but was unable to lock it in. Cena went for the AA but Cesaro slipped behind them and nailed a German suplex on Cena as he held Orton. He covered Cena for a two count. He then nailed Orton with a big boot.

Cena and Cesaro battled back and forth with reversals. Cena turned a Gutwrench suplex attempt into a rana and hit a AA to the steel outside. He locked in a STF and Cesaro submitted.

Cesaro has been eliminated.

It was down to three. Cena locked Orton in the STF and the lights went out. When they returned, The Wyatt Family were in the chamber. They attacked Cena and laid out Bryan when he tried to help. The Wyatts destroyed Cena. They handed him to Bray, who nailed Sister Abigail. The crowd chanted, “Thank you Wyatts.”

Orton covered Cena and pinned him.

Cena has been eliminated.

It’s down to Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton.

The Wyatts appeared to be waiting for Cena but Kane came out and demanded they leave. They eventually did. Kane entered the Chamber to help officials assist with removal of Cebna. Bryan saw him and came off the top with a knee to the side of the head of Kane. This allowed Orton to nail Bryan and send him into a pod. Orton tried to work him over but Bryan made a comeback, tied him to the tree of woe and nailed a series of kicks followed by a trio of running dropkicks.

Bryan placed Orton on the top for a belly to back superplex. He covered Orton for a two count. Orton made a comeback and nailed the hanging DDT. He went for the RKO but Bryan shot him off and nailed the high running knee. He covered him but Kane pulled the official and dragged him out of the ring. Bryan laid out Kane with a kick but Orton caught him with an RKO. Bryan kicked out at the last minute.

The crowd erupted with “Yes” chants. Orton began yelling at them and was caught with a small package for a two count. Bryan kicked Orton in the head but was clotheslined by Kane. Orton nailed the RKO and pinned Bryan.

Your winner and still WWE World Heavyweight champion, Randy Orton!

A really good main event with some truly brutal spots and some great sequences.

They went off the air showing disgusted fans as Orton stood tall and Bryan held his shoulder hurt, furious, shaking his head.

Results are from Pwinsider.com