WWE: Top Ten Tag Teams That Should Return

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5. The Dudleys
JOEY STYLES: The tag team I would most like to see return to WWE is the greatest tag team of all time, The Dudley Boyz.Sorry Road Warriors fans, but Bubba & D-Von won three times as many World Tag Team Titles as Hawk & Animal. Most importantly, 18 years after they became a team in ECW in 1996, and years since they dominated WWE, my friends Bubba and D-Von are inexplicably stronger, leaner and faster than ever.

If Bubba and D-Von were to reunite in WWE, no tag team would be safe from the 3D. No current WWE Tag Team — including The Real Americans, Rybaxel, The Brotherhood or even The Shield — could keep The Dudleys from winning their 10th WWE Tag Team Title 10 years after their last reign. Now hurry up and get the tables!