WWE: Top Ten Tag Teams That Should Return

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4. Mikey Whipwreck & Tajiri
ZACH LINDER: By the turn of the millennium, many of ECW’s top stars had jumped to WCW or WWE, giving supporting players an opportunity to shine. And during The Land of Extreme’s dying days, the unlikely tag team of boy wonder Mikey Whipwreck and Far East firecracker Yoshihiro Tajiri emerged. These two found a kinship thanks to the team’s secret weapon: The Sinister Minister.

This colorful trio was packed full of personality and became one of the ECW’s hottest attractions during its final months, defeating teams like Tommy Dreamer & Jerry Lynn, Kid Kash & Super Crazy and The F.B.I. Their backstage interviews were comical, bizarre and sometimes frightening — all qualities that would be a welcome addition to the current roster. But with his bright red suit, long fingernails and mind-bending cadence, the real treat would be seeing The Sinister Minister on our television screens each and every week.