Current TNA Impact Wrestling star Austin Aries appeared on In The Room with Brady Hicks and he talked about a wide range of topics. Here are the highlights:
How is TNA doing today?
"I think TNA’s fine. I think people get a little wrapped up in the day-to-day operations, per se. They like to maybe read into things without really having the knowledge of everything that’s going on behind the scenes. … My paychecks are coming. I’m working consistently … There’s a lot of good things on the horizon. [TNA has] some fresh talent coming in that’s going to inject some new excitement to the fans … A lot of the US wrestling fans, especially the ones who make their money by creating controversy, they like to get wrapped up in the Nielsen ratings, and try to use that as a gauge to how good TNA is doing … We are very strong globally … Every company goes through ebbs and flows, as they say. Every company has to continually reassess their business plan. Continually keep things fresh and exciting so things don’t get stagnant. This company is no different."
On original plans for him
"I honestly don’t know what was in the plans. I don’t know how far, especially in this industry, how far plans are really made. I think any good creative team would always keep their options open and be able to change things if the circumstances dictate it … My opinion, again [is] I walked in there for one match. So it isn’t like when they brought me in for that X Division showcase match they said “In a year, we’re going to put the heavyweight title on him and give him an opportunity to be the guy.” So, in that regard, the answer would be no. I don’t think that this is something that you plan out for two or three years ahead of time."
Andrews Take: I do think they had any major plans for him and the expectations were low. Aries went way above and behind the call of duty for TNA. He is a former world champion and two time X divisions champion.
In his opinion what was his most successful moments in TNA
"I’m going to give myself more credit and say that [I’ve] figured out ways to keep myself relevant, and take whatever opportunity, big or small, that they put in front of me, and go make it meaningful. I’m grateful for the platform, for the opportunities that they’ve given me. But at the end of the day it’s my job to take those [opportunities] and hit home runs with them. That’s what separates good talent from great talent. Some guys know how to take a good opportunity and turn it into something bigger. As you know, my opportunity to come back to TNA was for one match. No promises, for all intents and purposes one match, and then I was going to be gone. And I took that one opportunity and parlayed it into a pretty successful run I’d say. I want to give[TNA] some credit but I have to give myself some credit too for that … There have been a lot of opportunities handed out in TNA. Some guys have made the most of them, and other guys weren’t able to do it. And that’s what kind of separates the guys who can carry the ball and those that can’t."
Andrews Take: For such a short of time that he has been in TNA, Aries have done well for himself. He is in the prime of his career and it is going to be interesting to see where he can go from here.