TNA Lockdown 2014 PPV Play-By-Play Results

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Joe turns the hold and Magnus breaks it. Magnus with a drop toe hold and a Camel Clutch on Joe. Joe blocks two sleeper holds and slams Magnus on his head. More back and forth. Joe drops Magnus and nails the back splash this time. Joe with a big snap slam and an armbreaker submission. Magnus gets his foot on the bottom rope and the hold is broken. Joe takes Magnus to the top and chops him. Magnus kicks Joe away and stands up on the top. Joe cuts him off. Magnus fights back with kicks. Joe falls back to the mat and Magnus nails the top rope elbow. Magnus hits right hands but they do nothing to Joe. Joe fires back with open hand slaps. Joe takes Magnus back to the top and chops him. Magnus climbs the cage but Joe crotches him on the top. Joe signals for a Musclebuster and nails it in the middle of the ring. Joe applies the rear naked choke but all of a sudden an arm comes from under the ring. It struggles to find Joe but grabs his arm and pulls him under the ring, breaking the choke at the same time. Fans boo and chant “bullshit.” Joe comes back out of the hole about a minute later and he looks crazed. Joe stomps at whatever is under the ring and stands back up. Joe corners Magnus in the corner and lifts him up to the top with a choke. Joe lets go and turns around to Abyss hitting him with Janice. Abyss nails a Black Hole Slam as fans boo. Magnus looks confused at Abyss but smiles at him. Magnus puts Joe’s own choke on him and wins the match as Abyss looks on.

Winner: Magnus

Lethal Lockdown: MVP, Jeff Hardy and The Wolves vs. Bobby Roode, Austin Aries and Bro Mans

JB goes over the rules. Out first comes Austin Aries representing Team Dixie. Out next comes MVP representing Team MVP. He gets a nice hometown pop and has on the Hurricanes colors.

Aries and MVP have words in the middle of the ring. Aries with a right hand to the face. MVP fires back with shots of his own. MVP with a big boot to the face. MVP misses another boot in the corner. Aries with a bulldog and a submission on MVP’s neck. Aries poses in the corner now. MVP blocks a missile dropkick and nails an exploder suplex. MVP with a knee to the face. Aries blocks the Ballin’ elbow drop and knocks MVP down. MVP turns it around and slams Aries before dropping a knee. MVP with forearm shots to the head. They trade holds now. Aries takes control and the next man out is Robbie E, who gets hype from Zema Ion.

MVP unloads on Robbie but the numbers game catches up with him and Aries joins in for the beatdown. Aries with a big elbow to the back of the head. Robbie with a boot in the corner. Aries with a boot to the throat also. The next man out is Eddie Edwards. He hits Robbie with a headbutt and fights into the cage. Edwards unloads on Aries and Robbie. Zema gets knocked off the cage. Edwards works on Robbie as MVP chokes Aries in the corner. Edwards and MVP double team Aries and then Robbie. The next man out is Jesse Godderz.

Godderz comes in and allows Team Dixie to take back control. BroMans work over Edwards in the corner while Aries has MVP down in another corner. Aries dropkicks Edwards. The next man out is Davey Richards. His shoulder is taped up but he hits the ring and stops a double team from BroMans. Richards dropkicks them and takes out Aries. A “fuck ‘em up Davey” chant starts. The Wolves double team Robbie now. Aries gets triple teamed now. BroMans make the save and take The Wolves out. BroMans hit a double suplex on Richards but Edwards saves it and get get a single leg crab on both BroMans by The Wolves. Aries breaks it. Bobby Roode is out next.

Roode and MVP come face to face and have words. They go at it and Roode nails a big spinebuster. Roode lays out The Wolves and yells that TNA is his company. Roode takes the tape off Richards’ shoulder and goes to work on him. MVP tackles Godderz and unloads with right hands. We get another countdown for the final member of Team MVP but Hardy is still banned from the building. Willow’s theme and video play on the big screen. The lights go out. When they come back on, Hardy is dressed as Willow and he’s on top of the cage. Willow leaps down and takes everyone down at once. Willow squeals at the camera as the cover of the cage comes down with the weapons.

Lethal Lockdown begins but out comes Dixie Carter. She interrupts and has a special referee who is also her insurance policy. Out comes Bully Ray. Bully hits the ring and MVP doesn’t want to let him in but the match resumes and both teams go at it. Bully pulls a table from under the ring and slides it in. Aries nails Willow with a trash can lid. Roode with a chair shot to the back of MVP. Roode with a chair shot to the gut of Willow now. We see Spud bring out a chair so Dixie can watch from the ramp. Roode works over MVP now. Aries nails Richards with a trash can lid. Team Dixie is in control here.

Roode with a crossface on Richards. Ray yells at Richards asking if he wants to give up. Team MVP finally fights free and breaks Richards out of the crossface. MVP with a facebreaker on Roode. MVP nails the Ballin’ elbow drop on Roode. Willow beats Aries down and sends him face first into the side of the cage. Roode beats Willow with a hockey stick. BroMans double team MVP with a kendo stick for a 2 count. The Wolves double team to take out BroMans. They turn Robbie upside down in the corner with Godderz under him and a trash can on them. They hit a double Coast 2 Coast that’s impressive. Aries comes in with a steel chair and turns it around for Team Dixie. Richards with kicks to the chest of Aries now. Aries ducks the roundhouse and hits a brainbuster on Richards, sending him through a chair. 2 count for Aries. Willow goes at Aries now. Aries smacks Willow in the face with a trash can. Aries goes to the top and hits a 450 on the trash can as Hardy rolled out of the way. Willow with a Twist of Fate on Aries. Willow goes to the top for a Swanton on Aries for a very close 2 count. It looked like he counted 3 but said 2. Roode sets up the table that Ray slid into the ring earlier. Roode goes to do a RoodeBomb on MVP through the table but Ray gets in the way. Roode and Ray have words. Dixie looks concerned from the stage. Roode shoves Ray and yells at him. Ray lays Roode out and looks pissed up the ramp at Dixie. MVP and Ray make eye contact. MVP hits the Yakuza Kick on Roode for the win.

Winners: Team MVP

After the match, MVP and Ray have a staredown. Ray raises MVP’s hand and then the hands of his partners. Dixie and Spud flip out on the stage as Team MVP celebrates in the ring. MVP goes to the stage and stands up against Dixie. Spud tells them they will pay for this. Dixie takes Spud to the ring and she’s upset. Dixie yells at Ray from outside of the cage. Ray just stares back at her as Spud drags Dixie away. Ray waits for Roode to stand up and powerbombs him through the table. Lockdown goes off the air with Ray looking out at the crowd while his music plays.

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