We come back from a short break and AJ is in control with a headlock. Natalya fights out, but only briefly as AJ hits a kick to the back and covers her for a near fall. Natalya hits a power slam, but AJ counters it into the “Black Widow” submission hold. Natalya fights out, but AJ counters it and lands on her for a near fall. AJ with a clothesline and follows it up with an uppercut. She dances around the ring and Natalya rolls her up for a near fall. AJ with a strong clothesline for a near fall. Natalya locks in a headlock, but Natalya fights out with a back body drop then a drop kick. Natalya with right hands, she kicks her in the gut, then AJ with one of her own. AJ lands kicks in the corner, she lands right hands in the corner. Natalya fights back with right hands, AJ with a kick to the low midsection of her challenger. AJ locks in the “Black Widow” once again, but Natalya fights out. AJ misses a splash in the corner, then a duplex by Natalya. She hits another one, a drop kick the back of the head. Natalya firing up, she hits a sit down power slam for a near fall. Natalya with another power slam, but AJ reverses it into the “Black Widow” for the third time. Natalya fights out and locks in the Sharpe shooter, but AJ rolls her up for a near fall. AJ with a spinning kick, but blocked and Natalya goes for the Sharpe shooter and locks it in. Tamina pushes the ropes towards AJ and when Natalya gets distracted by Tamina, AJ hits a running knee to the face and locks in the “Black Widow” again and this time Natalya taps.
Winner: AJ Lee in 14:05
We see Santino Marella and EMMA on their first date. Let’s just saw it went bad.
-Commercial Break-
We are shown the YES movement from last night’s Raw.
United States Title Match: Dean Ambrose © Vs. Mark Henry
They lock up, Ambrose tries to knee him in the gut, but it hurts him. Henry with a power slam and Ambrose then rolls out of the ring. Henry pulls him in the hard way, he works the left arm. Mark with a head butt, he then throws him out of the ring. Henry stares down the rest of the members of the Shield and that gives Ambrose enough time to regroup and drop kick him in the knee. Ambrose with double knee’s to the back of the big man.
-Commercial Break-
We come back and Ambrose has him in a leg lock submission. Dean continues to work the left knee, but comes off the top rope and connects with a shoulder block to the left knee. He locks in a knee submission, but Henry gets to the ropes to break the submission. Ambrose with kicks to the face, then a couple clubbing right hands to the chest. Henry powers out of a pin attempt by Ambrose, but Ambrose goes right back to the left knee of the big guy. Ambrose on the top rope, but Henry throws him off the top rope. Henry with right hands, he hits a series of clotheslines then hits a power slam for a near fall. Henry with a head butt, he hits a head butt for a near fall as Ambrose gets his foot on the ropes. Henry on the apron and goes to the floor to talk to Rollins. He hits Rollins and when he gets back in the ring he hits a big boot on Ambrose. He goes to the top rope, but Reigns steps up on the steel steps and distracts him. Ambrose throws him off the top rope and finishes it off with a face buster for the win.
Winner: Dean Ambrose in 11:08
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