WWE Main Event Review: Rhodes Brothers vs. The Real Americans, Return of Layla, and an Appearance from The Undertaker


WWE Main Event comes live on the WWE Network again. WWE looking to continue with Main Event’s momentum from last week.

Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs. The Real Americans

Cody picks up the victory after hitting Swagger with the Cross Rhodes. Tom Phillips on commentary seemed to be setting up some tension between the Rhodes brothers, he talked about Cody not being on the apron for Goldust to make a tag, and that it also happened on SmackDown. However, they showed no signs of it while celebrating their victory. This was a really good match. The high-flying stuff Goldust does is more impressive because of his age.

The Funkadactyls vs. Alicia Fox and Layla

Naomi pinned Alicia Fox after hitting the Rear-View and following it with a split-legged moonsault. Layla returned in this match and she looks like she didn’t miss any time at all. Layla, Alicia Fox, and especially Naomi, all looked good in this match. It’s very evident that Cameron is at least three steps behind all of them. Speaking of Naomi, she could be heading for her long-rumored WrestleMania Divas Championship shot.

Big Show vs. Titus O’Neil

Big Show wins with the KO Punch. This match, on top of recent booking, is really bad news for Titus. He was nothing more than a comedy act in his Raw match with Sheamus. In this match, Big Show actually kicked out of his finisher. If John Cena kicks out of your finisher on a pay-per-view, it means you’re a star. If Big Show does it on Main Event, it means you’re the furthest thing from a star.

Paul Heyman and The Undertaker promo

Heyman came out and rushed Lillian Garcia in introducing him so he could get out of there before The Undertaker arrived. Lillian was spectacular in her delivery and facial expressions. Heyman got in the ring and once again talked about how great The Streak is, but that Lesnar would end it. It’s masterful how he gets the crowd to cheer as he talks about The Streak, then tears them all down at the end. He went to leave, then looked like he wanted to cry when he heard the all-too-familiar gong. Heyman stared at the ramp waiting for The Undertaker, but he suddenly appeared behind Heyman. The Undertaker held Heyman by the throat while he told him that he would only let him live so he could personally deliver a message to Lesnar. He said that he is going to New Orleans to “slay the Beast” and to send his corpse to hell. He then said that if Lesnar doesn’t understand that message, that the two of them can have a meeting in Brooklyn, the site of this coming Monday’s Raw. There is nobody in WWE who can do what Heyman does, better than he does it. Bully Ray is the best promo man in the business since CM Punk left, but Heyman is the best at the all-around aspect of it. Every single thing he did in this segment was perfect. As for The Undertaker, he’s The Undertaker, there’s not much else to say.

Overall Impression

I said last week that Main Event could build a weekly viewership with shows like last week’s, and they followed that up and then some with this performance. The Rhodes brothers-Real Americans match was very good, and the other two were solid, to go along with a great promo that furthered a very important feud. This show was an A+.

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