WWE Raw Counterpoint (3/17): HHH- Bryan, Diva’s Division Heating Up


Welcome to another edition of WWE Monday Night Raw Counterpoint. We added a new member to the team and let’s get into it:

Do you like the idea of Triple H possibly being in the main event of WrestleMania 30 and do you think he will be champion?
Point: After Triple H added his name into the main program in the WWE right now and if he can beat Daniel Bryan. Do you really want to see the “King of Kings” as your WWE World Heavyweight champion?

Mike’s Take: No, and I don’t think he will be. I think they were just trying to make it seem less obvious that Bryan would beat Triple H. That whole point of this segment was to show that Triple H, Batista and Randy Orton are not on the same page, which will be a very important detail the night of WrestleMania. Plus, now they can bill the title match as a Triple Threat, as opposed to “maybe a Triple Threat, maybe not.”

Stephen’s Take: I don’t want to see Triple H is holding the title. Ever. Again. Right now I get the point of him announcing the stipulation. It adds something more. But there’s no reason AT ALL for triple h to be anywhere near the title picture.


With Naomi and Nikki Bella having wins over AJ Lee, who gets the title shot?

Mike’s Take: A Triple Threat would be interesting. The champion AJ, the Diva who has opposed all the Total Divas, defending her title against two Total Divas, Naomi and Nikki. It’s a good way for the Total Divas to finally take AJ out, but start tension between Naomi and Nikki.

Stephen’s Take: I give it to Naomi as she was up for a shot anyway. I wouldn’t be surprised to see a title change with total divas being the success it is.


Is the Real Americans a contender for the Tag Team title?
Point:  With weeks of losing to most of the tag teams in the WWE division, they got a win over the tag team champions (The Uso’s) on Raw. With a win over the champions does this make them the number one contender for the titles?

Mike’s Take: The New Age Outlaws never got their rematch. This is either a sign that The Outlaws won’t be ready for Mania, or a sign that WWE’s not sure either way.

Stephen’s Take: not in my mind. This was just one of those wins to make it seem like the real Americans are together. We all know the split is coming and i say the sooner the better.


Triple H destroys Daniel Bryan to end Raw
Point:  Triple H had a change of heart when it came to Daniel Bryan, but that all changed as he had Bryan handcuffed and then he beat him down to end Raw. Triple H went from a suit, to the ass kicker once again. Thoughts?

Mike’s Take: Every time Bryan gets beaten down before WrestleMania, it is good news for his character. That’s wrestling booking 101. This was a brilliant way for Triple H to turn the page from his business side to his wrestling side. He played the whole scene really well.

Stephen’s Take: I assumed triple h would get the upper hand for the next couple of weeks. So I’m fine with the beat down. And you felt the sympathy for Bryan. I think triple h gets the upper hand the next days until mania. Where Bryan should overcome all of that. Not to predict soon. But let’s face it Bryan SHOULD win.

We want to hear what you thought of the showdown in the comment area below.

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Andrew: @AR_Official_94
Mike: @mikeys322
Stephen: @StephenA1181