Raw Review: Brock Lesnar and The Undertaker Meet Face-to-Face, The Shield vs. The Real Americans, and John Cena vs. Luke Harper

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The Shield (Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins) vs. The Real Americans/Kane promo

The Shield continued their revenge tour with Seth Rollins pinning Jack Swagger after hitting the Blackout. Really good main event match. Rollins is incredible, he again hit back-to-back dives to the outside on opposite sides of the ring, again landing on his feet both times. The crowd was pretty quiet in this one, as they were rooting for both teams. Other than a “We the People” chant, they were quiet until Rollins woke them all up with those dives, igniting a “Holy —” chant. Ambrose played the “babyface in distress” mode again, and did it well, again. After the match, The Shield hit a devastating looking triple powerbomb on Cesaro through the announce table.

Kane came out with The New Age Outlaws, all three in suits. Kane announced that The Shield would be in a six-man tag match at WrestleMania XXX against him and The Outlaws. Should be a good one, but it begs the question, is THIS when The Shield finally splits?