Stephanie McMahon, Randy Orton, and Batista promo
Steph came out to talk about the Yes Movement, and how her husband will end it when he beats Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania, enters the Triple Threat match, and leaves with the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Orton then comes out and says if Triple H beats Bryan, and Steph corrects him and says “when”. Orton says that he will beat Triple H and Batista to retain his title. Batista comes out and says that neither Triple H or Orton will leave with the title. He makes fun of Orton for “drooling on” Steph. Then said it “looks like she’s been drooled on a lot.” Steph promptly slapped the taste out of his mouth, Orton laughed at him, then Batista speared Orton. It was a bit of a crazy segment, Batista’s mic stopped working and he had to repeat himself, but they handled it well. All three of them are doing some really great heel work right now.