I was in the crowd this past Monday night, when Raw visited the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York. I wanted to share some things that I noticed about the crowd and the show in general. You can find my detailed review of the show here.
- Walking into the building and going through security took a while so I missed the Superstars taping, but I did hear the fans get some very loud “Yes”, “Daniel Bryan”, and “CM Punk” chants going. Security did confiscate some CM Punk signs.
- Bob Backlund was taking pictures with fans just inside the entrance.
- While walking on the concourse, we could hear Emma get a victory on Superstars and as her music was playing, my group started doing the Emma Dance and many other fans joined us.
- Stephanie McMahon’s opening promo was impossible to hear over boos and chants for Daniel Bryan. It was a bit easier to hear when Randy Orton came out. Batista got the loudest boos of the three entrances.
- Dolph Ziggler got another huge pop from a live crowd, that’s not new for Brooklyn, but it continues his momentum. There was another huge pop when he hit Sheamus with the Zig Zag, and the crowd was a bit deflated when Christian swooped in for the Killswitch and the win in the Fatal 4-Way match.
- The crowd was so happy to see The Wyatt Family that they cheered over most of the promo. There was very audible shushing from parts of the crowd.
- Biggest pops in the Damien Sandow-Sin Cara match were: 3. Sin Cara 2. Damien Sandow 1. Scooby Doo and the Mystery Machine.
- Sitting up top, we didn’t know The Shield were at ringside until the crowd started to buzz. The crowd joined in on Roman Reigns’ howl.
- Triple H’s sit-down interview was also difficult to understand due to “Daniel Bryan” chants, but about halfway through that stopped because it was evident that Bryan was not appearing on this show.
- The Fandango-ing was loud, and the crowd was really into it. Crowd was against Goldust’s dancing, but popped big for Cody’s Disaster Kick.
- Huge pop for Hulk Hogan, and surprisingly respectable pops for Arnold Schwarzenegger, Joe Manganiello, and even The Miz.
- Big Show-Titus O’Neil was dominated by “CM Punk” chants.
- Crowd really loved John Cena-Luke Harper. The “Lets Go Cena/Cena Sucks” chant was booming, and went for a while. The “Let’s Go Harper” chant was met with a joking “Harper Sucks” chant from my section. The “This is Awesome” chant started after Harper’s suicide dive and it was much deserved. The crowd expected a beat down when the lights went out, but was pleasantly surprised by the sight of Cena with the sheep mask on.
- AJ got a big pop when she came out for her match. Boos were loud for Vickie Guerrero and Eva Marie, but Emma, Nikki Bella, and Summer Rae got nice pops when they were announced.
- Crowd loved the Razor Ramon Hall of Fame announcement.
- During this commercial break, they showed a video of some of the greatest catchphrases in Raw history. The crowd joined in on “Raw is Jericho”, “Can you please shut the hell up?”, “If you smell what The Rock is cooking”, and “That’s the bottom line, cause Stone Cold said so”.
- There was a loud pop for The Shield. It was unclear to the live crowd that The Real Americans came out to the stage before the commercial break ended. So most people stood with their hands over their hearts a little longer than expected. Cesaro then did his old arm motion towards the Cesaro Section. Eventually the crowd got their “We the People” in before The Real Americans started down the ramp.
- There were a few “We the People” chants throughout, but the crowd was mostly undecided on who to root for. The crowd picked back up when Rollins hit his two dives to the outside and popped big for the Blackout.
- There was a funny moment when Cesaro tried to play up his heel character and climb the ropes, but he did it facing the corner the Cesaro Section was in. So when he stood up trying to get boos, they all did the arm motion at him and he just shrugged it off.
- The crowd was really into the Brock Lesnar-The Undertaker segment at the beginning, especially when production was setting up the casket while Lesnar was speaking. The crowd loved the druid entrance, but it was way too obvious what was going to happen. The steam was taken out of it well before The Undertaker emerged from the casket, as the whole thing took way too long.
- The Undertaker got some nice cheers after throwing Lesnar out of the ring, as well as a “Happy Birthday” chant as “The Deadman” turned 49 on Monday.
- Despite already seeing both teams twice, the crowd gave big pops to The Shield and The Wyatt Family for the dark match. It was a quick match that ended in a no contest, it did feature Roman Reigns hitting two floor-to-apron dropkicks. After the match ended, Luke Harper and Bray Wyatt left, leaving Erick Rowan by himself. Reigns hit Rowan with the Superman Punch and called for Dean Ambrose, who made the three-count and The Shield celebrated.
It looked to be a sell-out crowd for WWE, who announced that they would be returning for Monday Night Raw on October 6th.
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