WrestleMania 30: I was there

Time to give you the live experience of being at Wrestlemania 30. I was lucky enough to attend this past Sunday’s huge event. I know it might sound biased, but this was one of the best Manias to date.  I think everything seemed to delivered.  It was one of those emotional roller coasters that made me a wrestling fan.

I even said during the event, I was worn out just from that first match.  You had the crowd standing during most of it, and people just bouncing back and forth “Bryan is going to win”, “oh no, he’s dominating too much”, “oh wait, now this is the time for Triple H to dominate”, a sample of what I talked about with a fan next to me.

And I give Triple H credit for laying down and letting Daniel Bryan have that moment.  So many of us thought Bryan would end up in the main event, but I didn’t think that easily or cleanly.  The crowd was definitely behind Bryan, and you figured WWE would want to put their best foot forward with such a debut of Wrestlemania on the Network.

The overall vibe of being down in New Orleans for the week of Wrestlemania was great.  I loved seeing people dress up, yelling Yes, the atmosphere of international fans, and just a general good feeling among fans during the event. I met some of the superstars while down there, and most seemed very personable about it.

Axxess was what I expected, but definitely could use improvement as far as the signings go.  You didn’t know what line would be for who at first, then just take a shot in a line. But by the time, you finished one line, you wouldn’t have much time for another signing or someone you would want to meet as lines were very long.  The longest line I saw was for the Wyatt Family.  I expected a bit of that, but to actually see the line, in person, wasn’t as expected.  They had to cut off the line and schedule another time for the family.

Of all the guys to meet, Jack Swagger really seemed to enjoy it the most.  He was having fun while doing the signing and really made you feel good about getting his signature and the short time.  That’s probably the hardest thing about that I am sure for the superstars who might not want to be there.

Being at Mania was surreal the whole night for me. You had the streak match, where I didn’t even realize the pin happened as people were standing up and riled up about it.  Seeing the happiness of Daniel Bryan brought you that great feeling.  The Shield dominating was a good time. Cesaro had that whole crowd behind him.  The Cena/Bray match definitely had some fans for Bray going at the Cena fans.

I think everything delivered from top to bottom.  You want that bit of unpredictability to it.  You want real reactions as we saw from Brock Lesnar winning.  We saw the crowd erupted after Daniel Bryan pulled it off. That was the only way you could close the show after the shock of the streak ending.  I don’t even want to think about Batista pulling off a win or Orton retaining.

Who knows when I’ll get to another Mania? But even getting back to another pay per view would be fine for me. It’s something about being there, in person, that makes the WWE what it is.  I would love to take some non-wrestling fans along and show them why it’s such a good time watching this production.