Raw Review: Evolution Regroups To Take Out The Shield
By Mike Smith
The Wyatt Family and John Cena promo
Before the commercial, we got what looked like it was going to be a traditional Wyatt on-screen promo, until Bray appeared and said “We’re next.”
After the commercial, they appeared again, “Birmingham, we’re here.” They came out to the ring for their first in-ring promo in a while. Bray talked again about bringing something out of Cena, like he has for a while now. He talked about pushing Cena over the edge. Cena came out and joked that the last thing people want to see is him get another push. Brilliant. Then Cena made the jokes that he usually makes, the ones that make the internet hate him. However, they were necessary this time, because Bray came back at him, and called those jokes a facade that Cena puts up when things get real. So Cena got serious, and reminded the Wyatts what happened at WrestleMania, when Cena got serious. Cena then challenged Wyatt to a Steel Cage Match at Extreme Rules and Wyatt accepted, saying he “loved” that idea. The internet didn’t like Cena’s WrestleMania win, and they didn’t like Cena’s jokes tonight, but they’re all a part of the story that Cena and Wyatt are telling. I’m not saying that you’ll like the ending, but you just might if you give it a chance.