How Should WWE Book Brock Lesnar?

We’ve all had more time than we need to digest the fact that the streak is over. Paul Heyman does a great job of reinforcing that fact every time he’s on TV. More importantly than all of that, where does Lesnar go from here?

What is the smartest way for the company to book Lesnar from here? They are very limited with him due to his part-time status, so the easy answer of him going over on Bryan at Summerslam for the championship is not something I would consider at this point.

It is going to make Bryan’s chase to the title look weak if he loses it that quickly and won’t allow the post-streak title run of Lesnar to be worthwhile. Are they really going to waste his dates on events like Night of Champions or Hell in a Cell?

If they could get Lesnar to do a full-time schedule, even if it just means doing Raw/Smackdown and one house show a week, opens up a world of possibilities, but I don’t see that as something he’ll agree too.

So for now the WWE is limited in how to book him at the expense of the title and the other main event talents.

Whether or not the rumors of Cena wanting a match with Big E at Summerslam are true, I think they should put that match on the back-burner for now. If there is anything left for Lesnar to conquer, it would be Cena. The WWE prides itself on putting doubt in the fan’s mind of who is going to win the match. This match would present that option.

I would like Cena to put Lesnar over clean considering he just ended the streak, but you just never know. If the feud with Bray Wyatt is still hot at the time, they could have an interference in the match as well. Imagine that, the Wyatt family helping out Lesnar at Summerslam which sets up a traditional Survivor Series matchup of Team Lesnar (Lesnar, Bray, Rowan, Harper) vs. Team Cena (Cena, Rollins, Reigns, Ambrose) later this year.

One hole the WWE seems to be in is the fact that for the first month Lesnar was back, all he talked about was how he wants to be the champion and self-proclaimed himself number one contender. Since then he’s obliterated the Big Show to the point of him being off TV and conquered the streak. There has to be a title run in his future.

I just think another part-time title run like the Rock in 2013 is a weak way for him to follow-up being the man who stopped the streak. I hope, for the company’s sake that if he does get the title, it’s not the predictable booking to give it to him at the Royal Rumble and lose it at WrestleMania.

If he does have a title run in his future, a scenario, they could consider would be making him the 2014 Mr. Money in the Bank. I would love to see Heyman carries that thing around and build the anticipation of when he’s going to cash-in.

These thoughts are just a few potential opportunities the company has with Lesnar. With the general fan not knowing the details of his contract (I won’t speculate) we can’t predict anything of value. What do you think the WWE should do with Lesnar? Do you agree/disagree with my potential booking of him? Let me know in the comments below.