Let’s get into this world of trash talking. You know to make it as a WWE Superstar, you need all the tools and working the microphone is a huge part of that criteria. Some of the best guys were some of the best on the microphone. Getting that quick jab or barb at a fellow opponent stuck with you. As always, I will be reviewing this as I watch it, so you’ll get my commentary right away.
I’ll go with a prediction and say that Stone Cold Steve Austin or the Rock will be number one. Both guys just know how to trash talk. You could throw Chris Jericho or Triple H as dark horses for that top spot as well. I would believe all four of these guys end up in the top five.
10. “Macho Man” Randy Savage
This is a surprising one to me, but he did have some good mic work, especially when dealing with Hulk Hogan and telling him that he has lust in his eyes. With Macho’s voice, I don’t think anyone could have delivered it quite as well as him. He just had a way of delivering all of his promos with that up and down voice level that you really had to listen to what he’s saying. Christian said it best, Macho Man was always himself in and out of the ring. He had that voice in and out of the ring.
9. “Superstar” Billy Graham
Way before my days of watching wrestling, so no clue what this guy was all about, but he must have been good enough in the trash talking department to land on this list.
8. Chris Jericho
Way too low in my opinion for Chris Jericho. He was trash talking from the first day he entered WWE. I am very surprised he wasn’t top five at least. Remember all that trash talking he did to Stephanie McMahon? That was pure gold right there.
7. Bobby “The Brain” Heenan
One of the greatest managers and a lot of guys owe their career to Mr. Heenan for being able to provide that mouthpiece for him. Who can forget some of the great comments he had while at the announce table as well? All around, this guy knew how to work the microphone in the ring and out of the ring.
6. Ric Flair
How many times have you “woo0-ed” and said “to be the man, you have to beat the man?” You can thank Ric Flair for that. Plus if you’re high flying, wheeling dealing, jet plane riding, styling, and profiling, thank Ric Flair. Truly, one of the best when it comes to deliver something on the microphone. Plus, he was able to deliver in the ring with his wrestling. He was the man at everything he did. It helped you believed every word he was saying as well.
5. Roddy Roddy Piper
You give a guy his own segment you have to imagine he’s one of the best on the microphones. We put him in that Macho Man vein, where you’re not sure what he’s saying, but you’re listening. He could get really loud and on a tangent, but he could always speak softly and say a lot.
4. Jake “the Snake” Roberts
Could anyone make “trust me” sound like you shouldn’t trust him at all? He was so excellent on the microphone and he wasn’t even loud when talking. That’s something special for him. Most of the time, he was doing this while holding a snake, that has to be count for something as well.
3. The Rock
Maybe a bit of an upset here if CM Punk and Steve Austin end up the top two, I would have thought the Rock would be #2 or #1. But top three is great, and we all know how great the Rock was. The transformation he made himself into The Rock and how he was able to hold that microphone to get you listening was great. If You Smell What the Rock is Cooking, Stick it up your candy ass are just two of the great catchphrases that everyone repeats when the Rock is talking. Most times, he could just talk and he would be great.
2. CM Punk
I’ll state it right now, I MISS THIS GUY. He’s one the guy that got my interest re-ignited into WWE. Pipebomb. Pipebomb. Pipebomb. Need I say more? I love the fact that behind the scenes he was finally able to speak on the microphone how he wanted to. Sitting cross legged in the ring with a megaphone, what other guy did that before? I miss that guy!
1. Stone Cold Steve Austin
CM Punk versus Stone Cold Steve Austin on the microphone, give me more of that. I was in my high school days for Stone Cold’s run at the top, so I greatly remember how good he was at trash talking. Austin trash talked everyone, so it’s not a surprise he’s number one. Just like Punk, he was given that opportunity. We don’t get Austin 3:16 if Stone Cold wasn’t given that microphone right after winning King of the Ring. We don’t get Stone Cold Steve Austin if it wasn’t for ECW and that environment for him to define himself after getting fired from WCW. Those are the moment you’ll remember, and that’s why Stone Cold is top of this list.