TNA Slammiversary 2014 PPV Results: Who Is The TNA Champion?

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Kurt Angle comes out to the ring to announce the 2014 TNA Hall of Famer. Angle hypes how prestige the Hall of Fame and announces the greatest tag team of all time, Team 3D! We want tables chant breaks out. Ray says that is the best we want tables chant we have heard in forever. Ray says that it is a great feeling standing in the ring again with Devon and they have  long hug. He says that he accepts it for one reason, and that is for every single one of you. For their career’s, we are all to thank for letting them be the greatest tag team in pro wrestling. Devon grabs the mic, he said last August, he left TNA and he thought he would never come back to TNA because he thought he was threw. However, when he got the call about the HOF, he said it was only fitting that they would go out together and that would be in the Hall of Fame. He finishes with Oh My Brother, Testify!

EC3 cuts a really good promo backstage about his match with Bully Ray.

Kenny King vs. Austin Aries.

They talk trash, but Aries jumps him from behind and goes for a brainbuster, but that is blocked. King rolls to the floor and Aries takes him out with a dive to the floor. They brawl around ringside. They make their way back into the ring, Aries with a front senton and an elbow drop for a near fall. Aries goes to the top rope, King knocks him to the floor. King throws Aries into the steel barricade that falls on grandma, but she is tough. Maybe it was King’s grandma. Who knows? Back in the ring, King beats down Aries, he hits a snap suplex for a near fall. King goes on to control the next few minutes, but Aries makes his comeback. Aries with a quick roll up for 2. Aries sends King to the floor, he hits an outside dive taking out King. Back in the ring, Aries sends King corner to corner. He hits a neck breaker on the apron, he goes to the top rope where he nails a missile dropkick for a near fall. King drives him into the corner, he lands a fallaway slam. King misses a double knee stomp, Aries connects with some chops. King lands a big boot, he hits a side kick and then a spine buster for a near fall. He tries to use the ropes as an advantage, Aries with a forearm shot for a near fall. He locks in the last chancery, but King fights out with an eye poke. King hits a springboard over castle for a near fall. King drags him out to the apron, King goes to the top rope, he lifts him up in a fireman’s carry, but Aries fights out with elbows. He hits a brainbuster off the top rope for the win.

Winner: Aries in 10:00

JB brings out Kevin and his sons, the Von Erich’s! Kevin cuts a quick promo about being from Texas. The Bro-Mans come out and get local heat by making fun of Texas.

Bro Mains Vs. Ross & Marshall

They double team Marshall early on, Marshall goes for the claw, but Ion trips him. The Bro-mans control the action until Ross gets the hot tag. He nails 2 drop kicks on Ion. Jesse pulls Ross off the top rope. Ion hits an outside dive taking out Ross. Marshall gets the hot tag, but the Bros double team him. Ross with a dropkick on the both of them, they hit a big time uppercut. Jesse grabs a chair, but sent to the floor. Marshall with a big time clothesline. Jesse hits Marshall in the back with a chair, causing the DQ. Out of nowhere, Kevin Von comes in the ring and hits the claw on Ion that get’s a huge pop. Very cool moment.

Angelina Love does a backstage promo about how great she is and how she plans on beating Gail Kim tonight.

Knockouts Title Match: Angelina Love (c) Vs. Gail Kim

Quick pin attempts to start the match, Love gains control of the match, she throws Kim into the corner several times. Love hits a sidewalk slam for a near fall. She sends Kim to the floor where Kim fights off Sky. Kim sends Love into the steel steps hard. Back in the ring, Kim goes to the top rope, but pushed down and Love hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Sky sprays Kim in the face with the hair spray and Love hits the big boot for the near fall! Yeah, that was not a DQ. Earl Hebner throws Sky and the referee in the back. Kim with a series of kicks and then a clothesline. She hits a dropkick, hits a neck breaker for a near fall. Kim hits a crossbody for a near fall. Love powerbombs her and tries to use the ropes for advantage, but caught by Earl. Kim goes for a dropkick, but accidentally takes out Earl. Kim hits eat defeat on Love and Stifler is worried about Earl. Kim rolls up Love and Stiffler does not do anything, Love rolls up Kim and we get a fast count.

The winner and still champ: Love at 7:00