WWE Raw (6/23) Results: Go-Home Show For MITB

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Vickie Guerrero comes out for her match against Stephanie, but Steph has other plans. Rosa Mendes, Alicia Fox and Layla come out instead to dunk her in a pool of mudd? Anyways, Vickie throws the three girls in the pool, then Vickie goes. Vickie pushes Steph in the pool and goes out with style.

-Commercial Break-

Jack Swagger Vs. Kofi Kingston

Swagger with a shoulder block, they run the ropes and Kofi hits a back kick. Swagger throws him into the corner and lands a series of knees to Kofi. Swagger hits the Swagger bomb for a near fall. This crowd is very quiet. Kofi fights out of a headlock, he nails a kick and then a botched head take over. He clotheslines Swagger to the floor, but then drop kicks him again. He hits a front senton over the top rope. Back in the ring, Kofi hits a sunset flip roll up, but Swagger reverses and locks in the ankle lock for the win.

Winner: Swagger

Paige Vs. Naomi for the Divas title was added to Money in the Bank PPV.

Alberto Del Rio does a quick promo backstage and he is confident he will be walking out as World Champion. Paul E and Cesaro walk up, Heyman knows that Cesaro will win this Sunday.

-Commercial Break-

John Cena does a backstage promo about how he will this Sunday at MITB.

-Commercial Break-

Handicap Match: Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio and Cesaro vs. Sheamus, Roman Reigns and John Cena

A slow start to the match, Orton and Cena test each other out and then Cesaro is tagged in. Cesaro hits a backbreaker for a near fall.  Bray tagged in and hits a power slam for a near fall. Cena fights out a shoulder rest leading to break.

-Commercial Break-

We’re back and they are still beating down superman, I mean John Cena. Cesaro locks in a boston crab. Cena fights out and hits a back body drop. He tags in Reigns, he clears house. Reigns hits a big time clothesline. He hits a big right hand, he then nails the drop kick on the apron. He goes for the superman punch, but hits it on Cesaro and then Orton, but Del Rio hits the back stabber for a near fall. Bray tagged in, who hits the big tackle for a near fall. Cesaro tagged in, he hits a fallaway slam for a near fall. Orton tagged in, he hits a snap suplex for a near fall. Reigns fights out of a headlock, but cut off. Rio tagged in and hits a back breaker. Bray tagged in and runs into a superman punch. He tags in Sheamus, Cesaro legal man and Sheamus clears house. He hits his signature spots, he connects with a series of cubbing right hands. He goes for a senton, but blocked. Sheamus nails a power slam, Orton from behind and hits a back breaker. Cena nails the AA on Orton, but Rio goes for an armbar, but get’s AA. Cesaro hits the big time uppercut and Sheamus hits the Brogue kick for the win. Good finish.

Winners: Sheamus, Roman Reigns and John Cena

After the match, Kane comes out and attacks Sheamus, Cena and Reigns. He also chokeslams Rio, then Cena. All of a sudden, Triple H comes out and adds Kane to the WWE title match. Reigns hits the big spear on Kane to end the show. Thanks for watching along this very long show and we will see you next time.