WWE: The Unofficial Glossary for Wrestling Fans

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“Cut a Promo”

Definition: When a performer goes out to the ring and generates interest to a feud through their words, mannerisms, and gestures.

Alternate definition: Someone who is able to “talk the people into the building” for an upcoming match.

“Get Over”

Definition: When a performer starts to generate a reaction from the crowd and gains popularity. (Ex: Stone Cold promo after the 1996 King of the Ring, Daniel Bryan “YES!” chant, CM Punk ‘pipe bomb’.)


Definition: When a wrestler messes up a move in the ring or stumbles over their words in a promo. (Ex: Brock Lesnar’s “Shooting Star Press” at WrestleMania 19 against Kurt Angle. Scott Steiner’s first promo in WWE – “Gimme a [bleepin] mic!”

Alternate definition: Sin Cara