WWE Rewind: 1999 Unforgiven PPV

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Courtesy of WWE.com

Kennel from Hell match for the Hardcore Championship

Al Snow (c) vs. Big Boss Man

Wow, I forgot all about this one. The famously, terrible and ill-conceived Kennel from Hell match.

There’s a cage around the ring, and a Hell in a Cell over the top of that and then you’ve got Rottweilers serving as a moat-like barrier in the space between.

Besides the dogs defecating, you’ve got some slow-paced boring action in the ring. Jim Ross does his best in trying to make this match seem interesting and dangerous, but you can only put so much lipstick on a pig.

Al Snow escapes the cage after bringing out Head.

I urge you to watch this match just to see firsthand how terrible it truly was.