WWE: CM Punk, 5 wrestlers we’d love to see back in WWE

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There’s no question that the WWE is the place to be if you’re a professional wrestler, but that doesn’t mean they have the market cornered for talent. There’s plenty of quality wrestlers in TNA, ROH, in Mexico, Japan and anywhere else there’s a squared (or hexagonal) circle. Most have made their way through the WWE at one time or another, with notable exceptions like Sting or A.J. Styles.

There are a handful of wrestlers who left the WWE for one reason or another that are currently doing other things. I’m a big fan of nostalgia and I also believe in giving guys a second (or third, or fourth) chance, so that’s what we’re going to do.

Of course the main problem is that the WWE tends to be awfully rough on returning talent. For some reason, they often bring them back just to bury them, so I’m not certain they’d take advantage of these opportunities, but a guy can dream. Want an example? How about

Bryan Danielson


Daniel Bryanson

er…Daniel Bryan, yeah that’s his name! Remember the tie choke incident? Here’s my choice of guys I’d love to see back in the WWE.