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WWE’s Saturday Night’s Main Event was more than just a show back in the 1980’s — it was a happening. I remember doing everything in my power to figure out if we were getting a new episode of SNME — raking through the TV Guide — and even if it didn’t show, I’d still stay up just to make completely sure. This was the era of the squash matches, so unless you wanted to (get your parents to) fork out the money for pay-per-view, this was your only chance to see big storylines and superstars facing off against one another.
Saturday Night’s Main Event, Episode 1, May 11, 1985: Hulk Hogan vs. Bob Orton
This wasn’t exactly at the peak of technology, so picture how good your Atari looked compared to your PlayStation 4 when trying to imagine how fancy the graphics were.
We get Cyndi Lauper talking strategy with Wendi Richter — “make sure Moolah doesn’t grab your hair — you know she loves that.”
Next up it’s Hulk Hogan and Mr. T (wearing gardening gloves, because of course) talking about Hogan’s matchup with Orton tonight.
Here we are, with Jesse “The Body” Ventura, stumbling through the intro with Vince McMahon…have to say the promos were WEAK back in the day.