WWE Saturday Night’s Main Event Review: Episode 1

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Photo Credit: WWE.com

Piper’s Pit featuring Rowdy Roddy Piper, Mr. Wonderful Paul Orndorff and Cowboy Bob Orton

We’re less than two minutes into the interview and Orndorff has already personified every sexist stereotype he possibly could. First he literally gave Orton and Piper dog commands, including “sit and stay,” and that was before telling Piper “ladies first” when they were sitting down. The 1980’s were a much different world, weren’t they?

“You’ve been drinking too much of your own bathwater.” — Orndorff

Piper is terrific in these settings, but Orndorff just can’t seem to keep up. He’s got the range of a Coca-Cola can.

Piper is all fired up and has decided to take a swing at Orndorff, before Mr. Wonderful literally shook his head (concussion level: one). One thing Orndorff could do is pull off a mean piledriver…that’s before Orton hammers him with the cast!

Out comes Mr. T to rescue Orndorff, as the crowd temporarily loses their minds. Like I said — hot crowd.

Let’s hear what Hogan has to say. Hulk is dedicating his match to his Mom. Nothing says love like beating up another man.