Raw Review: Huge Six-Man Tag Match with World Title Implications

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John Cena, Roman Reigns and Chris Jericho vs. Seth Rollins, Kane and Randy Orton

Reigns dominated the early going of this match, all by himself. However, Reigns lost control, and as a result, he looked all by himself, as he took a tough beating.

Reigns took a long beating, as he spent a lot of time in the ring, but he eventually made the hot tag to Y2J, greatly upsetting Cena.

When Y2J had Rollins in the Walls of Jericho, Orton broke up the hold. Reigns hit Orton with a Superman Punch, but took a chokeslam from Kane. Cena came in and hit Kane with an AA. After Rollins hit Cena with a flying knee, Y2J came in and tried to roll Rollins up, but Rollins kicked out. Y2J and Rollins had a quick-paced back-and-forth, which resulted in Y2J hitting a Codebreaker on Rollins, but Orton broke up the pin. Orton’s attack led to his team getting the advantage, and working Y2J over.

Cena got the hot tag and started to comeback against Kane. Rollins tried to help Kane, but got a German suplex for his troubles, before Cena hit an AA on Kane. Before Cena went for the cover, he tagged out to Reigns.

Cena got in Triple H’s face, as they watched Reigns hit a spear on Kane and finish the match.

Reigns, Cena and Jericho defeat Kane, Rollins and Orton via pinfall.

3 out of 5 stars – For the most part, it was a good match, but it went too long for a Raw main event.

After the match, Rollins tried to attack Cena, but got AA’d onto the announce table, as Cena told Triple H he will see Brock Lesnar at Night of Champions.