Vince Russo Talks Last Night’s RAW, WWE Booking

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Point 3

"“I don’t know how these two guys (Vince McMahon and Triple H) could experience that type of a show and know what was put into those shows during the Attitude Era and basically turn around and produce shows like we’re seeing tonight and being okay with them.”"

They should know better from a time of competition between WWE and WCW when show after show that was being created was pure gold.

WWE doesn’t act like they are in competition with anyone and think that no matter how bad the product is, the fans will come back. Unfortunately, that is true (Russo gets into that more later).

Point 4

“Why not have tension between Cena and Reigns? We had a bunny rabbit and Heath Slater! There’s so much more they could have done to make this show more interesting. ”

So many segments from last night’s show were useless. The Heath Slater one mentioned above, the Total Divas match/segment/train wreck, Ryder vs. Rusev, and the sluggish Wyatt Family vs. Mark Henry and Big Show match that we have seen half a dozen times. Really if anything, WWE tried making Henry one of the more interesting parts of the show. Fans don’t really care about him anymore.

Cena and Reigns did have a stand-off about six weeks ago that was very compelling and saw the present and future of the company in one ring. Why we don’t we have something similar like that with Reigns and Rollins, Jericho and Wyatt, etc.? It doesn’t make sense.