WWE NXT Review: Takeover 2 Stars in action

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Sin Cara and Kalisto vs. The Vaudevillains in the Final Match of the Tag Team #1 Contenders’ Tournament


Kalisto looked really strong against Aiden English in the early going, but The Vaudevillains, specifically Simon Gotch, turned the tables on Sin Cara when he entered the match.

Kalisto got the hot tag, and he hit Gotch with Salida del Sol. Kalisto then tagged Sin Cara, who hit Gotch with a senton off top-rope for the win.

Sin Cara and Kalisto defeat The Vaudevillains via pinfall.

3.75 out of 5 stars – This was a good way to finish the tournament. Sin Cara and Kalisto look strong as they head towards their match with The Ascension, and it didn’t take much away from The Vaudevillains.

After the match, The Ascension walked onto the stage and held up their belts.

Sin Cara and Kalisto look like very legitimate contenders, and it would not hurt The Ascension to lose the titles to them, on their way to the main roster.