SmackDown Review: Chris Jericho and Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins and Randy Orton

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Dolph Ziggler promo

Ziggler walked out onto the stage and told Miz that he had a stunt double of his own. Ziggler then introduced his stunt double for the night, R-Truth, going by the name R-Ziggler.

The Miz and Damien Mizdow vs. Dolph Ziggler and R-Truth

Lillian Garcia introduced him as “Damien Mizdow”.

Ziggler started the match against Mizdow, but soon tagged out to R-Ziggler. Truth did a great job of using Ziggler’s mannerisms and some of his moveset. As someone who usually can’t stand Truth, I must say he was pretty good here.

In the end, Ziggler hit a Fameasser on Mizdow, after countering a Skull Crushing Finale. Mizdow kicked out, and Miz and Truth got involved. The referee got Miz out of the ring, but Ziggler hit Truth’s theatrical/dancing punch, then Truth hit a Zig Zag, and Ziggler covered for the win.

Ziggler and Truth defeat Miz and Mizdow via pinfall.

3 out of 5 stars – This match was pretty good, but it was really entertaining.

Nikki Bella, AJ Lee and Paige w/ Byron Saxton

Nikki said it’s been a rough week since her meeting with Brie Bella and Jerry Springer. She said that Jerry couldn’t even help save their family, and instead he got stretchered out. She added that she thinks the world finally sees how much Brie has hurt her over the years.

She said that winning the Divas Championship will help her forget she ever had a sister, when AJ walked up.

AJ brought up that Nikki weaseled her way into AJ’s Divas Championship rematch. She said that there must be some advantages to being Stephanie McMahon’s “lapdog”.

Paige walked up and agreed with AJ. She said that she just wants to beat AJ one last time, so they can be best friends. She acted like she forgot Nikki’s name, and even called her Brie once.

After Paige and AJ walked away, Nikki said that winning this match could be easy.