WWE NXT Review: In-ring debut of Hideo Itami (KENTA)

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Tyson Kidd and Titus O’Neil vs. Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville

Zayn and Kidd started the match, but Neville tagged himself in before the action even started.

Zayn then tagged himself in after the action got started. Zayn hit Kidd with a standing moonsault, a trademark move of Neville’s, and he got a “Better than Neville” chant, which really angered Neville.

Despite not being on the same page, Neville and Zayn were dominating Kidd early on, but Kidd eventually got to his corner and got Titus in the match.

Titus and Kidd were dominant over Zayn, as they kept him away from Neville.

Neville eventually got the hot tag, and went to work on Kidd. Neville had Kidd laid out, when Titus came in to disrupt Neville’s momentum. Zayn came in and knocked Titus to the apron, but the referee dragged Zayn back to his own corner. This allowed Titus to knock Neville off the top rope onto Kidd, who had his knees up, which got him the win.

Kidd and O’Neil defeat Neville and Zayn via pinfall.

3.5 out of 5 stars – I really enjoyed this match. It was well-booked and very well-thought out. Everything that happened in this match made a lot of sense, and really added to the growing story between Neville and Zayn.