SmackDown Review: Roman Reigns takes on Rusev

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Jack Swagger vs. Bo Dallas

Swagger was dominant over Bo in the early going of the match. Bo got a little offense in on Swagger, but Swagger regained control.

In the end, Swagger went for the Patriot Lock, but couldn’t quite get it, and Bo escaped from the ring. Swagger tried to grab him, but Bo pulled Swagger’s arm on the ropes, and immediately got in the ring to hit a Bo Dog.

Dallas defeats Swagger via pinfall.

2.5 out of 5 stars – It was an okay match. These guys are capable of more.

Bo Dallas promo

After the match, Bo grabbed a mic and talked about Jack losing “his swagger”. He then accused Zeb Colter of being a thief.

Bo got down on one knee, and started to tell Swagger that he could get his career, and life together, if he Bolieves, but he didn’t get that far, as Swagger kicked him in the face and chased him off.

Mark Henry w/ Renee Young

Henry said he feels good about his brawl with Rusev on Raw.

Henry said he did not feel good in 1992 or 1996, which had nothing to do with Renee’s question, because he lost to a Russian in the Olympics of both those years.

He said that he will not fall to a Russian again, and he will “crush” Rusev at Night of Champions.