WWE NXT Review: The Lucha Dragons Defend Against The Ascension

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The Lucha Dragons vs. The Ascension for the NXT Tag Team Championship

The Ascension came out anxious to regain their tag team titles, and that proved to work against them, as Kalisto and Sin Cara had the advantage.

The Ascension were able to get back into it, however, as they were able to work on Kalisto, before he made the hot tag to Sin Cara.

Sin Cara and Kalisto were on fire at the end of the match, but The Ascension were still in it.

Hideo Itami came out and stood on the stage, causing a distraction, and allowing Kalisto to hit Salida del Sol on Viktor to retain the titles.

The Lucha Dragons defeat The Ascension via pinfall.

2.75 out of 5 stars – Nice match. I like the ending because it helped make Itami and Kalisto look good, without doing too much damage to The Ascension.