Raw Review: John Cena Teams with Dean Ambrose

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Randy Orton, Kane and Stephanie McMahon backstage

Orton was getting fired up about having to clean up after Seth Rollins, and Kane echoed his sentiments, until Stephanie came in.

Stephanie said that the attack on Rollins was an attack on The Authority, and that Orton and Kane needed to rally and take care of Ambrose and Cena. She also added that they both lost singles matches to Ambrose and Cena last week, and that they should be looking for revenge.

Not quite having convinced them, Stephanie threw out that Orton and Kane needed to change what people were saying, which is that they’ve both gone “soft”.

Kane questioned whether “people” were saying that, or just a manipulative Stephanie, but Stephanie said it didn’t really matter, then walked away.

Dean Ambrose and John Cena vs. Kane and Randy Orton

Small, early bickering between Cena and Ambrose, before Cena started the match.

Cena had Kane early, but Orton and Kane took control, and isolated Cena. It was a long time before Ambrose tagged in, and the building exploded when he got the hot tag.

After Ambrose tagged in, he provided one of the most nonsensical, yet exciting comebacks in recent memory.

Ambrose hit Orton with Dirty Deeds, but Seth Rollins broke up the pin and caused a DQ.

Ambrose and Cena defeat Orton and Kane via DQ.

Kane and Orton did their best to save Rollins, but Ambrose and Cena made short work of them and went after Rollins. However, tension between Ambrose and Cena got in their way and allowed Orton and Kane to come back.

After Ambrose took Cena out of the picture, Ambrose took an RKO, a chokeslam and a curb stomp on the briefcase. Cena followed with a quick comeback, before suffering the same triple-finisher fate as Ambrose.