Raw Review: John Cena Teams with Dean Ambrose

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Nikki Bella promo

Nikki mentioned how the last time Brie was in this building, she quit WWE, now she’s getting ready for a match.

She mocked that decision, as Daniel Bryan lost the WWE World Heavyweight Champion to injury anyway. She said that Brie didn’t quit for Bryan, she said she did it to get attention from everybody, especially those “uglier than your troll husband”.

Nikki then announced, per The Authority, that Brie would be in a Handicap Match of her own, just like all the ones Brie unfairly put Nikki in.

Brie Bella vs. Cameron and Eva Marie in a Handicap Match

Brie came out hot, but the numbers game caught up to her eventually.

Miscommunication caused Cameron and Eva Marie to collide, allowing Brie to pull off a roll-up victory.

Bella defeats Cameron and Eva Marie via pinfall.

2 out of 5 stars – Brie = good. Cameron (awful) + Eva Marie (awful) = really awful.

After the match, Brie lead a huge “Yes” chant.