Raw Review: John Cena Teams with Dean Ambrose

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Slater Gator vs. Los Matadores

With Adam Rose and The Bunny on commentary, and Los Matadores accompanied by El Torito, Slater Gator were accompany by Hornswoggle, in a gator costume.

Usual formula here, dominant use of power from Titus, until Slater tagged himself in and immediately got himself in trouble.

As Fernando seemed set to finish Slater off, The Gator caused a distraction, which allowed Slater to get back in the match and get the win by knocking Fernando off the top rope.

Slater Gator defeats Los Matadores via pinfall.

After the match, El Torito went after The Gator, but Slater Gator attacked him. Rose and The Bunny provided a distraction, while Los Matadores made the save for El Torito.

2.25 out of 5 stars – Nothing special here. Middle of the road.