Creating the All-Star Survivor Series Elimination Match

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Ultimate Warrior

(4 appearances, 4 wins, 7 eliminations)

The role of the bulldozer of the team falls to the recently departed Ultimate Warrior. The former World Champion’s high octane energy and unbelievable strength made him a wrecking ball in all of his teams, and above all else a born survivor. Warrior was never eliminated in any of his four matches, and would take out anybody that stood in his path to victory. His Hall of Fame place is lined with the broken bodies of people who felt they could tame his Warrior spirit, and platforms like the Survivor Series matches demonstrated that they were pursuing a fool’s errand.

Ultimate Warrior was another prevalent leader of his teams, and only takes a back seat to Michaels due to the latter’s experience. But, Warrior would fit in as the major eliminator for his team, his explosive power key to taking out a significant number of opponents in relatively few matches. Also, with a perfect record and never even being eliminated, he would be an unbelievable anchor that his team could lean on if they were to find themselves in need of a rapid comeback.