Raw Review: Survivor Series Contract Signing

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Ryback vs. Cesaro

Ryback had an early advantage in this match, but Cesaro would eventually take over and be completely dominant.

Cesaro thoroughly controlled Ryback for a long portion of this match.

Ryback would eventually start to turn things around, and they had a couple of good sequences as the match was winding down.

Ryback was able to hit Shell Shocked for the win.

Ryback defeats Cesaro via pinfall.

3.5 out of 5 stars – Very good match. Probably one of the best matches Ryback has ever been a part of.

John Cena w/ Renee Young

Cena said that The Authority are making their intentions clear, and that he can’t do anything, other than try to persevere, and hope that his teammates will show up to the contract signing. He said that if his team shows up, they will take The Authority out of power.

Renee pushed for an answer about Ryback, but Cena left it where Ryback has, which is that he’s on Team Ryback.

Pretty good promo from Cena, but I’m again left wondering why he isn’t trying to help his teammates more. There’s probably a good reason, they’re just not telling us.