Raw Review: The 2014 Slammy Awards

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Adam Rose and The Miz promo

Rose talked about him being there, and how it could only be better for the audience if he was hosting the show. The crowd had no reaction, and Rose said they didn’t know anything.

Rose then introduced the nominees for “LOL” Moment of the Year.

Rose announced Damien Mizdow as the winner.

Mizdow seemed ready to take the spotlight, but Miz edged his way in. Miz accepted the Slammy as his own, and said that nobody conveys emotion like he does, and gave plenty of credit to “the moneymaker.”

Miz continues to shine with what this storyline has given him.

Lana and Jack Swagger promo

Lana came out and talked about such “LOL”-worthy things as the US economy, and “The Real Americans,” but Swagger interrupted.

Swagger said “what goes around, comes around.” He said since Rusev broke Zeb Colter’s leg, he’s going to snap Rusev’s ankle.

There was a short brawl between Rusev and Swagger, which resulted in Swagger locking in the Patriot Lock, with Rusev writhing around in serious pain.

Swagger looked great in this brawl. The crowd wants to get behind him, just look at the poor reactions that Mark Henry and Big Show got in the same feud.