TNA Impact Wrestling Review: Bobby Lashley vs. Bobby Roode

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Bobby Roode (c) vs. Bobby Lashley – TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match

This is the third installment of the rivalry.

The action started immediately, with Lashley taking control. Roode would counter with arm bars.

Backstage, we see MVP, Kenny King, and a masked man. The mysterious person attacks a security guard. Could it be Alberto Del Rio? It was report earlier in the day that TNA reached out to him, but the two sides weren’t anywhere near an agreement.

Lashley has control, for now, as we head to break.

We come back and the former champ still has control. Roode starts to fire back, but gets thrown down by Lashley, who controls again. “Bob-by Roode” chants fill the Manhattan Center.

The match continues and the moves being put on by the two guys are pretty impressive. Lashley even stole the Roode Bomb and nearly picked up the win. Roode then goes for the Spear and hits it, but Lashley kicks out again.

While the match continues, Kenny King and MVP enter with the two masked men. They hover around the outside of the ring while the match continues. King pulled out the ref and attacked him. Kurt Angle would come out to make the save, only to get beaten down by the four men.

The two masked men come up to the ropes and reveal themselves to be Low-Ki and Samoa Joe. Eric Young comes in the ring to look like he’s making the save. However, with a chair in hand, he attacks his best friend, Roode. Lashley takes advantage with the Spear and picks up the pinfall victory to take back the championship.

Bobby Lashley wins via pinfall.

3.2 out of 5 stars – There’s a lot to digest here. Roode got screwed by the MVP-led group and his best friend, Young. Lashley also looked stunned by this. I get the feeling he won’t be too happy about this next week and turns on the group to align himself with Roode and Angle.