WWE Power Rankings – February 15

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15. Tyson Kidd & Cesaro: Despite being pushed as the No.1 contenders for the Tag Team Titles, it really seems like this new tag team is just going to be a filler for Fast Lane. The WWE seems to be vamping up the tag team ranks again. After Vince McMahons conversation with Stone Cold Steve Austin, on the Steve Austin Show, it doesn’t seem like WWE will be pushing Cesaro as a singles competitor again for a while. McMahon stated that he just doesn’t have “it” yet. Tyson Kidd is a great hand in the ring, and compliments Cesaro’s style very well.

14. Paige: Paige really seems to be the workhorse of the Divas Division. She will get her title shot at Fast Lane, but WWE really seems to be behind the raven-haired Diva. With AJ Lee out injured, and really her long-term status with the company in question, Paige is undoubtedly the future of the Divas.

13. Nikki Bella: Nikki is Divas Champion, and it will be interesting to see who WWE goes with as champion in to WrestleMania. It seemed like they had the Bella Twins mapped as WrestleMania foes for a long time, but with Bri seeming to have her sisters back, and them getting away from the “personal slave” angle they had going it looks like it may be another year of another gimmick Divas match at WrestleMania, unless AJ returns. Divas Battle Royal anyone?

12. The Authority: We decided to group Kane, Big Show, Triple H & Stephanie all into one group on this list. We may be heading towards a Big Show V. Kane match at WrestleMania. For where these two Superstars are in their career it suits them just fine. Both are over 40, and both have done an amazing job of getting younger talent over. Neither man has  really had a “WrestleMania moment” that both are very deserving of. Triple H got his answer from Sting, or someone that looked like Sting, on Monday and they seem to be on the fast track (no pun intended) to seeing each other at WrestleMania.

11. Miz & Mizdow: Damian Mizdow is arguably the 2nd hottest guy in the company behind Daniel Bryan right now. It will be interesting to see what the company does with him after he and Miz split, which seems all but in the bag now. Mizdow was the joke of the company for about 8 months. Impersonating athletes, movie stars, and fictional book characters for no apparent reason, after losing his Money In the Bank briefcase. It seems like it would be impossible for him to go back to his “Intellectual Savior of the Masses” gimmick at this point, and obviously he cant continue to impersonate Miz. It will be interesting to see how far they let this gimmick, and Sandow/Wizdow go. As for the Miz, well he is still employed.