WWE Power Rankings – February 15

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10. The Ascension: I think the WWE creative team told the story of where they want this young tag team to go Thursday night on SmackDown. The Ascension where only in the ring with Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns for about three minutes. They destroyed the companies two top contenders and got themselves disqualified. They left Bryan and Reigns laying for Big Show and Kane to come down and pick up the pieces. Yes, The Ascension “lost” the match. But they looked really strong doing it.

9. Dean Ambrose: Ambrose is one of those guys, that no one knows what he is doing, but that’s really the only way it makes sense. He and Bad News Barrett will be going one-on-one at Fast Lane for the Intercontinental Championship. Ambrose has not competed for a title since losing his United States Championship that he held for over 340 days while a member of The Shield. Is he ready for another long title run?

8. Bad News Barrett: It really seems like WWE can’t decide what they want to do with Barrett. (If he can stay healthy) He has gone from leader of the Nexus, to leader of The Core, to a singles wrestler really without an angel, and then was dawned with the Bad New gimmick. He has ran with it and done well.  WWE seems to be behind him again. Don’t be surprised if Barrett and Ambrose steal the show at Fast Lane.

7. The Usos: Even without the Tag Team Championships, the road through the Tag Team Division has gone through Jimmy and Jay for almost a year now. They are without a doubt the most stable of any tag team, and don’t seem to be close to splitting for a long time. Neither man seems interested in splitting the team up, and to be honest it wouldn’t really make sense to have two twins be single competitors. They are with out a doubt, at the top of the mountain in their division, and don’t seem to be going anywhere, anytime soon.

6. John Cena: Love him, or hate him Cena has done a great job of making Rusev look good. Not that Rusev hasn’t done a great job of that over the last 10 months. Rusev is on the door step to being the top heel in the company, and Cena is the poster boy for WWE. It will be interesting to see if Cena puts Rusev over at Fast Lane, and if he does, will the feud continue to WrestleMania? At this point Cena facing anyone else at Mania wouldn’t make sense.