WWE Power Rankings Post Fastlane Pay-Per-View

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15. The Ascension (- LW: 10): At some point, the Ascension will have a shot at the Tag Team Championships. It seems like the new comers have a rocket strapped to their back. They did not have a match at Fast Lane, which dropped them in the Power Rankings this week, but they will likely have a match at WrestleMania.

14. Stardust (+ LW: NR): Stardust was ranked with his brother Goldust in last weeks power rankings. After their big fall out, and match at Fast Lane, it doesn’t seem like all is good in the Rohdes family, or in Cody’s head. Despite losing by a roll-up to Goldust, Stardust attacked his brother back stage and verbally assaulted his father. He seems to have the spotlight of the trio right now.

13.  Nikki Bella (= LW 13): Nikki retains the Divas Title at Fast Lane against Paige. The future for the Divas division is still in question. With Charlotte losing the NXT Women’s Championship it will be interesting to see if WWE creative has an NXT Diva debut at WrestleMania. Paige had her debut the night after WrestleMania a year ago.

12. John Cena (- LW: 6): It’s not very often John Cena loses by submission. Heck, it’s not very often John Cena loses. He did however get beat by Rusev last night. He was put in a situation where he never gave up. (pun intended)Rusev made John Cena pass out. Cena never tapped or said I quit. Could this be a foresight into the future for an “I Quit” match at WrestleMania. Rusev has never lost, and John Cena has never lost an “I Quit” match.

11. Sting (+ LW: NR): Only Sting could go from not being ranked on this list to jumping to No. 11. It became official that Sting will make his in-ring debut at WrestleMania 31. Some how it is not against The Undertaker. It is however against Triple H. It will be interesting to see if Sting, and The Undertaker have two more WrestleMania’s in them. Obviously The Undertaker is more of a concern after being rushed to hospital last year, after his WrestleMania win streak was ended at 21 in a row.  For now we are going to have to settle for Triple H V. Sting, which will more than likely be an instant classic.