WWE Power Rankings for February 28

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14. The Authority: (- LW: 3) The Line of the Authority is becoming blurred. Kane and the Big Show are apart of The Authority, along with Seth Rollins. It seems like Triple He and Stephanie McMahon are distancing themselves from their henchmen on T.V., but still having the muscle do the heavy lifting. The twist of Randy Orton being in the mix, and somewhat on the fence could spell the end of The Authority, or an interesting new feud.

13. John Cena: (- LW: 12) Cena continues to move down our list, because Rusev keeps getting the best of him, week in and week out. Rusev turned down Cena’s open challenge for a rematch at WrestleMania. We all know the rematch will eventually happen but it will happen on the Russians terms.

12. Daniel Bryan: (- LW: 9) With the announcement of Dolph Ziggler being in the Intercontinental Championship Ladder Match, at WrestleMania proves that he will not be turning heel and facing Bryan. Daniel Bryan is really the only “Main Event” caliber wrestler not in feud. Which really leaves him as the person to feud with Sheamus. Which tells everyone the Celtic Warrior is coming back as a heel.

11. Bray Wyatt: (- LW 7) Bray kind of shocked the world at Fast Lane. Coming out and mocking The Undertaker, and ultimately challenging The Undertaker at WrestleMania. It doesn’t seem like the Deadman plans on showing up on Raw anytime soon, maybe not at all. He may answer Wyatt’s challenge at WrestleMania. Which would be kind of cool. The Undertaker is, well, The Undertaker. His presence is felt on WWE  without even being visible.