WWE Power Rankings for February 28

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10. The Usos: (+ LW: 16) The Usos dropped to number 16 last week, because it seemed very uncertain if they would get an automatic rematch with Tyson Kidd and Cesaro. With all things pointing to that, and for some reason the focus being on Natalya and Naomi, and not the young talent in the ring, The Usos will get their rematch. Any time the 4 of these young stars are in the ring it’s good television, and good for anyone who is watching.

9. Randy Orton: (+ LW:  17) Orton was the biggest mover on our list. His return seemed like a Face turn, and that he was leaving The Authority. Thanks to Stephanie McMahon, Orton decided to stay under The Authorities umbrella…for now. After showing sings of frustration with Seth Rollins on Monday during a tag match, the Apex Predator still seemed to be on board Team Authority at the end of the night. Patting Rollins on the back and walking off the set alone at the end of Raw.

8. Stardust: (+ LW: 14) The Cosmic One, pulled another ploy on his older brother Thursday night on SmackDown. Dressed as one of the “Rose Buds,” Stardust attacked Goldust again this week. He doesn’t seem like he will be satisfied until he beats his brother. Can Goldust snap out of the mindset, that he can’t hurt his little brother. While Goldust figures it out Stardust continues to keep relevant and move up our list.

7. Seth Rollins: (+ LW: 10) Mr. Money in the Bank looked as confused as anyone when Randy Orton patted him on the back and shrugged his shoulders when leaving the ring on Monday. For now it looks like cooler heads my prevail and the authority may stay in tact…but this is professional wrestling. It is only a matter of time till the viper gets that look in his eye and punts Seth Rollins.

6. Brock Lesnar: (- LW: 3) One of the biggest stories of the week was Brock Lesnar leaving Raw on Monday before being put on T.V. There was rumor swirling that Roman Reigns has failed  a drug test, and that caused Lesnar to walk out. The WWE announced that, that was “100% false.” The company also stated that Lesnar left for personal family reasons. Usually in sports rumors where there is smoke there is fire. Reigns may not have failed a drug test, but one must wonder if Lesnar may be having a problem with WWE creative, or Reigns himself. Once upon a time, Stone Cold Steve Austin walked out of WWE because he didn’t want to put over a young, Brock Lesnar. Could The Beast be having similar feelings about the outcome at WrestleMania?