WWE NXT: Analyzing Main Roster Potential of 14 Superstars and Divas

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Colin Cassady

Amore’s partner in crime, Colin Cassady, is an interesting prospect to look at. He has the look and certainly has charisma, but his wrestling skills aren’t anything noteworthy. He’s pretty average and has never “wowed” anyone in the ring.

Cassady could have a role on the main roster one day, but he wouldn’t be anything more than a low-card talent. He can’t be taken too seriously at the moment, despite his size. However, someone in the low-card who’s a 7-footer that’s constantly losing wouldn’t be very believable. Maybe he could undergo a gimmick change to something more serious that focuses on how intimidating he is. I don’t see that happening, though, and I don’t think he’ll make it to the main roster if him and Amore break up, which it seems like it could be heading that way.

Verdict: Slim chance of joining the main roster.