Raw Review: 13 Nights Away from WrestleMania

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Seth Rollins, Big Show, Kane, Jamie Noble and Randy Orton promo

Rollins began the show by talking about betrayal. He said he was betrayed by Randy Orton, who lied to get himself back in with The Authority, then struck when he thought the time was right.

Rollins then mocked his hometown crowd, saying that anybody who actually made it out of Iowa would recognize that as betrayal.

Rollins said that what Orton did was sociopathic, while he was justified in turning on The Shield, since he did it to get ahead.

Show got on the mic and apologized to Rollins. He talked about how great he thinks Rollins is, and how great he can be.

Show said it’s partially his fault that Orton infiltrated The Authority as much as he did. He said he’s a giant, and he crushes snakes under his boot.

Kane also apologized. He clarified that he wasn’t as gullible as Show, but that he was fooled by Orton.

Jamie Noble then got on the mic and hilariously called himself, “The secret weapon of The Authority.” He said that he knew Orton was a rat. He said that it hurt him to watch Orton attack Rollins. He said he doesn’t care about himself, he only cares about Rollins.

Noble said that one person was hurt more by Orton’s attack of Rollins, and that’s Joey Mercury. He handed Mercury the mic, but Mercury couldn’t speak.

Rollins got back on the mic and accepted Orton’s WrestleMania challenge, but only if Orton would face him tonight. He went to keep running Orton down, but Orton’s music hit and he came out to the stage.

Orton accepted Rollins’ Raw challenge. He said he knew it would end up being 5-on-1, because he knows how Rollins operates.

Orton said that taking a beating tonight would be worth it to get his hands on Rollins at WrestleMania. He said he would end Rollins at WrestleMania.

This was way too long. Not bad at times, especially the Noble part, but too long.